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C. Thompson

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by C. Thompson

  1. i havnt been on in awhile but im intrested in getting back on it
  2. Name:Iron Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:143547498 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Repeatedly entering game to spam mic in spec. Gearhart banned this guy befor. i belive hes useing a ip changer. Demo Provided?: N, Comments: Ripley, Lystad, brenton where present
  3. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family. Like kissing ones tasty anal cavity while eating a huge Mongolian Boodog. Quarterman's excitement couldn't be masked with his passion for eating rather large portions of other
  4. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family. Like kissing ones tasty anal cavity while eating a huge Mongolian Boodog. Quarterman's excitement couldn't be masked with
  5. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family.
  6. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of
  7. Name: GOAT Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:18353412 Reasons for the Ban: I banned him for a week for claiming his support of ISIS. However his claiming that they are doing a good job was going over the line. It is my belife that he deserves a longer ban possibly perm, however that is not my call. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N
  8. http://store.steampowered.com/app/94000/ there you go lol
  9. The video was about world powers and Nukes they had used. of course america was at the for front with destroying things for some reason. i mean come on does it take over 1000 test to see how destructive of a weapon you have created. and for that matter What the fuck Russia are you that fucking dumb to do such wide spread testing?
  10. i have the same. as well as the forums look rerally funny now for some resone i have the same. as well as the forums look rerally funny now for some resone i have the same. as well as the forums look rerally funny now for some resone
  12. there are no words for this
  13. I dont drink the crap so i dont have a name for it lol
  14. Name: Folsom [35th ID RET] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:7960557 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Disrecpect of pubbers. Demo Provided?: No, TSgt Hill was in server, member of Staff was contacted and informed me to Perm Ban. Comments:
  15. thank you all.
  16. Soldier Hard Listing to this really gets to me.. Soldier Hard "Red Flags" Another one that really gets to me..
  17. his name is Damien Wolfe Thompson and hes our little devil perfect in every way
  18. where would i find the pc specs? its a laptop and its not over heated at all that i can tell it stays pretty cool.
  19. No notification, no dialog, just crashes to desktop.
  20. Name:C. Thompson Rank:Sgt. Type of issue:Not Sure Brief Description of Issue:I am having issues with certain games in steam. I will be playing them for a little bit than they will crash out on me. Verdun is one of these, and it has started doing it to me on certain maps in DoD:S ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Unresolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  21. got to say im enjoying this game quite a bit. as for the wife shes still learning it lol
  22. i wouldnt mind giving it a try where can i get a code?
  23. Japan (47) USA (82) Canada (52) Germany (60)
  24. Being a disabled service member and haveing served in both iraq and afganistan i have something to say about this topic. I really dont care if you dont support the war. the fact is most of the military doesnt support it. Going over there we dont fight becouse its our jobs, we fought for other resones. We fought for the man to our left and right, we fought to keep the terrorist from fighting in our own back yards. It really doesnt matter if the war is just or not. The fact is most wars that have been fought over the history of man have been for foolish resones. Its human nature to fight. as a ground pounder all i did was fight to bring my men home and fight to keep my enimy from being in my back yard. granted i did things that i can not let go of that haunt me. But in my heart i have to think that this was right. I will say that this is a topic that should not be breeched. there are to many soft spots for me and others like me so i must ask that an admin close this topic please.
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