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Kirkendall 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Kirkendall 1st MRB

  1. Well, Knights of the Old Republic is only $10. Hell of a better deal!
  2. Link Yea, it's dubbed in German. Big woop, wanna fight about it?
  3. Link Reporter: “No, I’m not. You said no chases. No chases means no chases.“ Peake: (claps hands) “You got you a story, thank God! You are so sweet! You got you a story on a woman in Wellford! Hallelujah! I’m so proud of you, Mr. Cato!“
  4. Yea, you prolly should just try a reinstall. It never hurts, except when you really want to play but can't because it's still downloading.
  5. Is that occurring out of game? Also, are your drivers up-to-date for your new video card? Did you uninstall your old drivers before installing the new ones?
  6. I still like the cinematic trailer:
  7. Freudian slips? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVR1JunnuGE...feature=related
  8. I disagree wholeheartedly. How good a weapon is in this game depends on the person behind it, and how they control the unit. I don't think any unit is bad in nature, they just aren't used correctly.
  9. Ironically, Republicans are red and Democrats are blue.
  10. Well, I for one welcome out new bacon overlords. They have brought us such great inventions as: Baconnaise The Bacon Explosion My personal favorite:
  11. Bacon is the most perfect creation ever blessed to mankind. To insult bacon is to insult the Gods themselves. This disciple of bacon takes his work a little seriously, but he is a true believer. All hail bacon!
  12. Prove it! I need a ten page research paper with only 2 internet sources on the topic. Also, 3 sources must be interviews.
  13. Find me millions of asians who aren't like that then. I want full interviews with each one, mind you. Only then will I believe you.
  14. Read previous posts, she didn't steal anything. She gives all the original creators credit in the ReadMe. All she did was find the ones she thinks are best and put them into a pack.
  15. In the actual Pacific Front of World War 2, there were 4 battalions of Marine Raiders. We represent the 1st Battalion, "Edson's Raiders". It's not really a problem for someone else to create a unit based off one of the other battalions. As for the avatar, all of the Marine Raider battalions used the same basic insignia. The History tab below the banner is a nice read. Or, www.usmarineraiders.org
  16. Happy Birthday! Have a good one!
  17. I'm afraid you'll need a citation there. Since the Oxford English Dictionary actually labels it as just a conjunction.
  18. I believe you are wrong there, since "than" is a conjunction which is used only in comparisons. I do believe I used "then" in an addition sense, thus correctly.
  19. When you Donate to our server, it donates to the Paypal account that is tied directly to the Gameservers account which purchased the servers. In this case, Captain Parker has ownership to the account, but the command staff has access to see the funds, and where they are distributed. Money donated to the servers travels directly into the servers themselves, so to speak. We are charged monthly for the servers to stay online, this includes the Public server, the Private server, the Ventrilo server, and the Website hosting. All of these are automatically charged to the PayPal account when the billing period is due. When you ask, "Who controls the spending?" I assume you would mean who has ownership of the account, which is Captain Parker. However, spending other then server maintenance is somewhat rare, although some server modifications that we've examined would cost extra to be implemented. I'll move this topic to the Mess Hall, as I would think a Civilian Announcement about it is a bit much.
  20. I have no issue with this
  21. To bring some life to an otherwise dead section of the forums: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/133214 Mesbah-Yazdi answered: "The necessary precaution is for the interrogator to perform a ritual washing first and say prayers while raping the prisoner. If the prisoner is female, it is permissible to rape through the vagina or anus. It is better not to have a witness present. If it is a male prisoner, then it's acceptable for someone else to watch while the rape is committed." Um... What? (maybe it's a good thing for it to stay dead)
  22. GMoney is it a 280mm Krupp K5 Railgun?
  23. Yea, where'd you get the boyfriend thing out of a blackjack video? Gaaaaaaaaay....
  24. Old Gregg
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