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Kirkendall 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Kirkendall 1st MRB

  1. 11:37 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: phloken? 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: what does phone sayh 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: r2d2 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: phoen 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: phone 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: fuckkignpahonje 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: fucking phone 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: heyh 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: indian 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: jis ok 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: owno 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: jnho 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: ono 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: bi 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: no 11:38 PM - 2ndLt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: well nly from
  2. From the creators of Monday Night Combat and Planetary Annhilation: Robots have gone sentient. As they systematically destroy the human race, scientists are desperate to stop the robotic advance. The scientists, in a last ditch effort, summon the Ancient Ones. Oops. Now play as either the Robots or the tentacled Ancient Ones with humanity itself as your resource. I thought the idea of this game was entertaining, but Jesus Christ. Asking $1.4 million to start? Even the illustrious Star Citizen only asked for $500,000.
  3. Often when you lose power or internet, your password to your Vent account gets reset through your client. Whenever we set-up a Ventrilo account, we set a default password. I've reset your password, and sent you a forum message with the new one. If you have access to the User Editor, you can change your password when you connect. If you do not know where to put the password in, let me know. Also if you're connecting, make sure your username is exactly: 'S. Ripley [1st MRB]' If it is off by anything (spaces, missing characters, anything) it will not work. If this solution does not work, please let me know.
  4. Крепость/Fortress from Dima Fedotof on Vimeo. Despite the fact that mankind is killed, the war still continues.
  5. Cough That's a pretty bad photoshop, whoeever did it just overlayed that face over a mugshot. Didn't take the time to match the scalp colors.
  6. Soooooo many good games, soooooo little time. I won't rally a speech for a game this time, because I think the game that stays in my N64 now is not the game I chose in the poll. The game that remains in my console day after day and year after year is always going to be the original Super Smash Bros. That game ages like a fine wine, and often copious amounts of wine consumption lead to great times with that game and a bunch of friends. But I picked Star Fox 64. I did, and actually still do have the entire dialogue of that game memorized. Between that and Rogue Squadron it really developed my love of the science fiction genre. Plus when you unlocked the harder difficulty, and Fox starts wearing sunglasses? What a badass. Star Wolf: Can't let you do that, Star Fox! Leon the Lizard: Andross has ordered us to take you down! Pigma: Peeeppy! Long time, no see! Andrew the Goat: Androsses enemy is my enemy! Star Fox: Just what I need to see... Star Wolf.
  7. Sorry, you need at least 9 million units sold to play this game.
  8. Believe me, I love the NES. I still have mine hooked up for some mo' fuckin . Plus what would I be in this world without this commercial: Intense.
  9. Hasta la vista, baby.
  10. I can quote positive reviews too! Plus your first quote isn't a positive review, it's just saying what Nintendo set out to do with it. Atari set out to do the same thing, but bent hope on the Jaguar. Plus that PC Mag quote is pulled from an article where in the same breath they list the Sega Dreamcast at #1. C'mon, we both know that's just wrong. G4 already tackled this: http://www.g4tv.com/videos/9879/filter-fac...t-game-consoles
  11. Of course you do, everyone does. They're tanks. I think mine got ran over by a semi and it still works.
  12. How is it not indisputably Nintendo 64? This system revolutionized everything we thought about for game systems. You had the first games like GoldenEye and Perfect Dark to give you the perfect start to the console multiplayer FPS. GoldenEye added multiplayer in as an afterthought because the testers used it to test different guns, objects, and characters. And it was still godly-amazing! The N64 revolutionized the controller. Yea, look at the beast that was the N64 controller. People didn't like it, (I did) and complained sometimes about difficulty with controls in certain games. Even if you disliked the controller, it really brought about the talk of what makes a controller comfortable, and what makes it usable. Without the N64, we might've all fell victim to the rise of the Steel Battalion. Don't give me BS about media functionality and "internet connection." The N64 didn't need that shit. We're arguing about the greatest gaming platform, not the greatest media player. What better way to play with others than getting 4 friends to play Super Smash into the wee hours of the morning? Finally, this thing was a tank. It stopped working? Blow on it. Working again! I dropped a 108lb (49kg) CRT TV on my N64, sucker still works. I was playing Super Smash Brothers at my friends' after-wedding party two days ago. More like killing it, am I right Fox McCloud? I knocked my Xbox 360 from vertical to horizontal on accident, and it went all red-ring-o'-death on me. The N64 is the greatest system. If I have that, there's not a reason you can convince me to get a new system.
  13. Thanks for the heads-up Arsenault, The CS is aware and working on the problem.
  14. I agree with Parker for the Logitech series. I use the Logitech G710 keyboard myself, it's a great mechanical keyboard. I don't mind Razer stuff, but I feel the prices are always a little inflated for what you're getting. I went through like 4 Deathadder mice before I finally gave up on them. My carbine clicking apparently was too much for them, 4 times over. Since then, I moved to (and heartily recommend) the Steelseries Sensei. It's a tad more expensive then some other mice, but it's crazy awesome. Comfortable, customizable, tough, ambidextrous, everything I look for, and then some. It's held up to my playstyle for a long enough time that it's paid itself off in Deathadders. I think they have a less expensive version called the Raw, which may be good, but I cannot attest to.
  15. Name: Bird of Fire Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:15352454 Duration of Ban: 1 Day Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has been previously banned for Teamkilling, if behavior does not improve, the ban will become permanent.
  16. Name: Diezel VH4 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3686633 Duration of Ban: 1 Week Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TK, continuous harassment of pubber, numerous complaints. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has been previously banned before this incident for a week. If behavior does not improve, ban will change to permanent. Continuous disrespect and general ass-hattery will not be tolerated.
  17. Holy nostalgia Batman. Coming back to this is so great. In-game name is Jarmen Kell
  18. I guess they probably have to rip the code from Jump to Lightspeed away from the "Combat Enhancements" that started the trend towards NGE and the fall. If I can find my discs, I'll reinstall and get the emulator.
  19. Does this emulator have Jump to Lightspeed? If it does, I don't think I'll be able to resist any more.
  20. Is this before or after NGE? From the sound of it, it seems like it's before NGE. Which would make it so much better. Before or after Sony fucked everything up?
  21. Your spray is the flag of The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. This is designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations, and has since become ISIS or just "The Islamic State". I don't know who you are trying to fool. The flag you claimed belongs to ISIS seemingly belongs to the al-Nusra Front, a sect of Al-Qaeda. If an admin deems this to be inappropriate in our server, he/she is well within our rules. Our public server guidelines restrict discussions of a political or religious nature in our public server. Your spray is showing support or, at the very least, publicity for a terrorist organization. Which I personally find despicable. If you are spraying either of these flags in our public server, you are not the type of player we are catering to. The banning admin saw fit to only ban you for an hour. You should've counted that as a blessing. Congratulations, you are permanently banned from our server.
  22. Why? Why change what isn't broken? The Imperial Remnant in any extended universe I read never changed the helmets of the Stormtroopers. It's just like this fucking new X-Wing they made. They feel like they have to make it different for some reason. "Because time has passed" Even though in the grand scheme of things it's been such a short time and I feel like an intergalactic span of planets and races would not be quick to update to the new model of everything. Compared to the classic: One of the main problems I had with the prequels is how everything had to change or be explained differently. I can understand changes from the Republic trooper to the Imperial Storm Trooper, as that made sense, but this is the same trooper. Seemingly now with an eye socket that lets them shoot even less accurately. We've used the F-16 since 1974, that's 40 years. Every Star Wars movie it's basically the apex of technology, but they change things. For no reason. You better have the fucking X-Wing classic Abrams. And don't tell me that's a fucking Z-95, because no Z-95 has a 4 laser array that's kinda the point.
  23. The Command Staff has seen fit to lift your ban, however I would encourage you to be on your best behavior in the server, as you are on a "final strike" and any problems will result in a complete and permanent ban. Although you have been unbanned from the server, bear in mind it does not guarantee eligibility to join the 1st Marine Raiders, and any enlistment will be rejected. Happy fragging in the pub, and behave yourself.
  24. You were banned from our server for an inappropriate name. Arsenault will have warned you that he did not like your name. In the future, I recommend listening a bit more and talking a bit less. Your ban has been lifted. Happy fragging, behave yourself and there will be no reason to revisit the issue.
  25. If these hacks are so blatant then you should have taken a bloody demo. Everyone has video software it's called the "record" command. Without evidence this is the worst kind of witch hunt and it won't happen while I am here. Downs, you barely pull a ratio of .62. To have you judge a player who is good is not an indicator. You obviously don't understand the play style being employed. Yea, maybe he is hacking. But no one has given me any information more than failed stats and whining about his score. Give me a break. I posted the topic on hackers over 4 years ago. That topic hasn't changed. Follow those guidelines. This topic is closed.
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