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Kirkendall 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Kirkendall 1st MRB

  1. This is Niddler, the Sun Conure. I never put a picture of him up because I hate this damn bird. He is the one who always squawking, the asshole.
  2. Got another two rescues in the fold. First one, Woody, has been released hence: (Woody the Woodpecker) (Jon Snow, the One-Winged Crow) Snow was found stunned on a roadside. Once taken in, we discovered through X-Ray his right wing was completely shattered. There was a firm 0% chance that the wing would ever recover, such was the damage. We amputated the wing, and he's much more cheerful than he seems in the picture. We've been in contact with the curator of the National Mississippi River Museum, and they're prepared to adopt Snow when they have an open quarantine wing in the next week or two.
  3. Your ban has been lifted. Ventrilo servers have a auto-ban function for 'spammers.' Unfortunately sometimes when the server lags, it mistakes normal users as spammers. Don't worry, there were 4 or 5 others on the ban list with you.
  4. Jesus, if I bought anything there I would be broke. Anything that would be decent to own is ridiculously priced. ATAT bookends for $225?
  5. From the specs and the prices, yes. They seem like decent deals. Keep in mind a Steam Machine is a PC. Certain models will allow you to upgrade the insides the same as a standard build. If you want to use the machine for anything other than games and web browsing, perhaps look at a different machine. Keep in mind the Steam Boxes are designed to market towards console gamers, and SteamOS does not have the same capabilities as OSX or Windows.
  6. Hurr durr I got a bat
  7. (GTA V, while four of us are driving to a boat for a mission) Parker: Why do people always get out of the car while it's still moving? Mike Swartz: Wait, why is the boat floating?
  8. Then those are labeled incorrectly.
  9. If you're doing a full install of Windows 8.1, you need at least 25 Gb to store the OS. The typical "floppy" 3.5" holds 1.44 Mb of data. You'd need 17,361 Floppies. Even if you get a version of Windows not tied to a Mfg model, you're still off by thousands of floppies. If you were just doing the 8.1 upgrade from Windows 8, you'd need 2,083 floppies. If you're gonna make a joke do the math first. C'mon.
  10. If you want to join me and others, I have started a Crew, 1st Raiders. Send me a request if you want to join it.
  11. I'm enjoying this game so far. I'd have to say the snowballing factor is way more balanced in HotS than any other MOBA I've played to date. In League or DotA, if the game starts with one team getting 5 kills, you probably know who's going to win. In HotS, if that team can't secure an objective they get the momentum reversed very easily. I've been in situations where I get rolled, and I've rolled other people in it, but I would argue it's not even a snowball factor. Once a team starts losing, they start playing even worse, usually charging into losing situations off of fresh respawns. The best games I've played people have won or lost objectives and recovered based on that win or lose situation. It's a different and very interesting dynamic. If anybody wants in, I do have extra keys.
  12. The story, as I understand it: Clarkson was with a film crew in northern England filming a challenge of some sort for Top Gear. Clarkson had been drinking earlier, and had not eaten anything, so he had become quite drunk. He ordered the producer in question to get him a steak from the hotel room service. The problem then became that the hotel stopped serving food after a certain time. Clarkson became upset, berating the producer verbally. He threatened his job, and hurled insults and him as well as other crew members. He punched the producer, who offered no resistance and did not return any aggression. As I understand it, the producer sought medical attention from a local clinic for minor injuries sustained. Clarkson done very bad. After the incident, Clarkson apologized to the producer repeatedly over phone, email, and text. He filed the incident report himself, admitting to the whole thing, which the investigator found no lies. As far as I can tell, the producer who was the victim of Clarkson's tirade and attack holds no bitterness about it. If it were the American legal system, he did not wish to seek charges. After the investigator filed his report, the BBC terminated Clarkson. Last I heard, the police were looking to file charges. I don't want to sound too protective of Top Gear, because I thought that show was stellar, but I think the BBC shot themselves in the foot. Clarkson is an ass. I don't think you'll find a person who denies that. His now two ex-wives will probably agree too. But there's a number of celebrities who are assholes, and a great number who are assholes more famous than Clarkson. Why make a statement now about Clarkson? Yes, he committed assault. In the technically correct kind of way. I'm not justifying the assault in like it didn't matter, but it sounded pretty open/close book to me. Again, not justifying the assault but he just lost a lot of stuff: mom died, wife left him, probably some significant assets as well. Again, Clarkson done bad. Done very bad. Clearly he needs anger management. Clearly he needed some level of punishment. And yea, if it were any other job, someone punching a coworker during a drunken tirade would result in termination. All I'm saying is the BBC has tolerated him doing a lot of other stuff that could be deemed worse, why is this one the cutting point? He punched Piers Morgan when he was sober, but let's disregard that because Piers Morgan is an asshole? The BBC ignored the pedophilia charges they had leveled against them, so they're trying to make a statement with Clarkson? I don't know, and again: I'm subjective. Top Gear was amazing. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard as watching some of those episodes. I know it was around before Clarkson, Hammond, and May, but it never got the level of entertainment it has now. I'll bet the BBC will try to continue the series with new presenters. Netflix or someone else will pick up the old Top Gear trio when this has settled out a bit. Most people I've read responses all seem to agree that this was a mistake by the BBC. As May stated, it ought to have been a small incident and turned into something big. Until they're back on the air, I guess I'll have to watch the American Top Gear. Wait is that even on the air still? My TV shuts off when I tune it to that and I honestly don't know the difference between my TV being off and that show being on.
  13. The Chilean flag is a nice touch there. They did flee to Chile after that whole Argentina debacle. Plus those two countries don't always see eye-to-eye.
  14. OK, it's not officially dead yet, the BBC has just sacked Clarkson. Article As stated it's unclear whether Captain Slow and the Hamster will continue without him. Chris Evans ruled himself out as the replacement (thank God) but is there someone who could fill Clarkson's shoes? It ain't exactly international politics, but this is one of the most internationally renowned shows at stake. What do you think the next steps are? Should Clarkson have been sacked or the assault overlooked?
  15. Having a Secret Service record means that you're known as a "Person of Interest" by the Secret Service, not that you previously were a member of the Secret Service. So previously, if he'd try to get in a White House tour, the Secret Service would know to block him.
  16. C'mon, you can't obscure the writing on the side of the Deagle.
  17. I dislike that people describe Americans as close-minded, then go on to make fun of us for holding value in our flag. Flag tradition in the US has been handed down to us for as long as we've been a country, and it's one of our defining traditions. It's incorrect to say American flags are never burned, they will be burned when they are retired. Difference being it is usually done by members of the armed services with value being bestowed onto flags. In my city, we have a neighbor who collects old flags to be retired respectfully. My father never likes to see a worn out American flag, so he will go to houses where he sees them, (with permission) take them down and replace them with a new flag. We don't think it's weird, it's a sign of national pride to what holds us all together. Many countries have traditions that don't make sense when taken out of context. But Old Glory holds a lot of value to many Americans, and to try to revoke that value is as close-minded as anything else. In this age of understanding, where people take great lengths to understand other cultures so as to not create a ruckus, it shouldn't be hard to understand that an American flag has a lot of worth, history, and meaning.
  18. There's a UK version, created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. It only ran for one series, but the US version is based on it completely. Both have their own charms.
  19. I have it, but it kinda fell off the map for some reason I'm not entirely too sure on. I haven't installed it on my new computer yet, but I'll try to coherently explain my thoughts. The obvious and probably best comparison at this point is EVE Online. Space, ships, open explore etc. It's not as boring to me as EVE was though. They had three tutorials that were all combat based when I started play. The combat is entertaining and rewards pilot skills in some ways. But it's also brutally unforgiving with some things. When I played, the only way you could tell if you'd get schooled by an enemy was based off of what ship they had and a vague rating, which if I recall was like: Less than Harmless, Harmless, Enh, Enh Plus, Tough, Elite, OhGodI'mSoScrewed. I'd pick a fight with something Harmless in a tougher ship and he'd turn out to be not so harmless pretty quick. You can set up trade routes and follow them yourself, and I did. I think that's probably what killed it for me, there's a helluva grind involved to get the big stuff. I mean, there has to be some progression to get to the best ships, but I was just running a trade route for hours, days on end. Last I logged I think I had roughly ~$50 million credits from a rare trade route Parker and I would run, but I just never really got back on to screw around in the badass ship I outfitted with all that cash. A resounding "meh" from someone who loves space sims. PS: A special mention should be made for docking in space stations. The first time, you'll probably freak out and not know what to do (remember your landing gear! FOR GODS SAKE REMEMBER TO ASK PERMISSION) But it does become a chore. I did enjoy the module you could put on a ship where it would land for you and play a light classical tune while it worked.
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