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Kirkendall 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Kirkendall 1st MRB

  1. Lol, either a memory problem, or it's not a memory problem at all. That's really, really vague. Good jerb support!
  2. Here's my car, little dirty, but meh.
  3. You bastards already made it jump up another 100 ranks.
  4. As per the Gametracker update, our public server just flew up over 300 ranks! That's great work everyone! At the time of this post, we hit the 43rd percentile, as opposed to the 16th percentile! As such, I would like to announce the start of Weapon Incentives. Get us to a certain rank, and there will be no weapon restrictions for a week! This Weapon Incentive: Get the rank above 450! Get a week of open restrictions. Even if you have played in there a lot, and see no change in the rank, don't fret! Gametracker updates its servers on a schedule, and may not catch the changes right away!
  5. Have a good one, drink lots and whatnot
  6. They aren't done yet guys, so be careful with your messages received. This one is a bit obvious, the line he throws out is so scripted. Don't click on the link below, true you need to put your information in, but any website created for this purpose is dangerous. You can always tell illegitimate websites by how their URL is set up. Steam's websites will have a .com at the end, and will never send you directly to a site asking for your password.
  7. Yea, well I don't have very many good pictures, and I suck at taking pictures of myself. So don't expect for me to post one too soon. That, and I have a very large noggin.
  8. They have AIDS, Herpes and Syphilis. I wish for a bottomless bottle of beer.
  9. He turns out like the butler in Scary Movie 2. I wish I had my own yacht.
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