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Kirkendall 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Kirkendall 1st MRB

  1. Here's a version with a name guide for anyone interested.
  2. Your ban has been lifted. Behave yourself in the server, and there will be no reason to reinstate the ban. Happy fragging.
  3. Star Wars fan art posters spawned from the preview: Kode Logic Orlando Arocena Orlando Arocena Daniel Comerci Phil Noto
  4. Also, here's a normal shot of the lightsaber shown. It should be noted that the red flickering or lightining arcs that seem to be affecting the blade are usually caused by an unstable lightsaber crystal. This could be because the crystal he's using is being forced to produce three blades. Still an abnormally strong crystal. PS I foresee Benedict Cumberbatch playing the talkie person in the preview.
  5. Lightsabers in Star Wars are wide and varied, more implied than what you see in the movies. To learn, you really need to go to the Extended Universe (EU). At this point, it needs to be said that lightsabers following cannot be disregarded as "not Star Wars since they weren't in the movies" as much of the EU has been accepted as canon. It's controversial for them to make Episode VII at all, because it does possibly distort some timelines that have been written and possibly make them confirmed not canon. Anyways, lightsabers. Like shown above, hilts are wide and varied by the user. I've often been annoyed by the movies' tendencies to only introduce one or two new kinds of lightsaber each new movie. In Episode I, you see Darth Maul's double-bladed saber. In Episode II, you get Count Dooku and Yoda's short blade, and in Episode III, General Grievous's 4 arm technique is shown. (although none of the lightsabers are unique) The "normal" hilted blade is by far the most popular as lightsabers were initially themed after katanas. Darth Maul is the first actual movie character seen changing the norm, and coming out with his double-bladed smackdown. Contrary to what you might think, Darth Maul did survive the duel in Episode I although he never fully repaired his lightsaber. It was actually constructed of two separate lightsabers that had a connecting mechanism on the hilts. That enabled him more versatility in fighting and duels. He also had robot legs after his failure to be Obi-wan on Naboo. Why robot legs? Because fuck you that's why. Actually fanservice demanded that his character survive mostly because people were so impressed by his badassery. They even did this weird phase where he had spider legs... I don't know... Star Wars isn't all good. Count Dooku came in with a different hilt to his lightsaber. It wasn't a new hilt, it was from a different time (in the Star Wars timeline, so work with me here) and focused around a specific fighting style. Although it wasn't shown in the movies the unique style of his blade allowed for a two-phase setting, one the normal lightsaber length and the other a shortened blade for very close quarters. It was supposed that Count Dooku, while allied with the Sith, was always more of a grey character in terms of his convictions. His lightsaber and fighting style both emphasized that, as he fell from Jedi Master to Darth Tyranus. (which again, he never was called in the movies) This is the only crossguard lightsaber in the EU that I'm aware of. It was used by a Jedi named Roblio Darté, one of the few survivors of Order 66. He was a general during the Clone Wars, and hid on Kessel when he escaped Order 66. He had a conclave with other jedi survivors on Kessel, where they argued what action to take against Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Darth Vader showed up with the 501st Legion (Vader's Fist), and he himself slaughtered most of the Jedi there. Darté was with a group that actually almost beat Vader, but screwed up. Darté was killed by blaster fire in the resulting confusion. That's where Darté ended to my knowledge, and the lightsaber shown in the preview is significantly different from his. In the meeting with other Jedi, some Jedi argued that it was worth falling to the Dark side if they could get the power needed to bring down the new Empire. Darté was torn on this though, and I find it unlikely he would have fallen. There are tons of accepted variants to lightsabers now, the EU has brought out loads. Games like Knights of the Old Republic are listed as canon to the Star Wars universe by LucasArts, and there is a lot out there that has spawned from that.
  6. Yea, but Straczynski actually did originally write it as a 5 season arc. He had originally planned to flesh out the Rangers more, especially Marcus. It might have even allowed him to live. But then Warner Bros. saw it and said only 4 seasons. So he cut it out to accommodate that. Then the series started, and it took off like crazy. Warner Brothers wanted more, but he couldn't do much because they were already late on renewing him. It was a surprise renewal, so he had to cut the end of Season 4, "Sleeping in Light" and bring it to the end of season 5. Which was a brilliant episode. Then he took the first episode of Season 5 and brought it back to season 4 with some re-edits. It was a messy job but he did what he had to.
  7. I was having him in mind for my list for TV music. There's a lot of TV music that goes unnnoticed and the for Babylon 5 is outstanding. Seriously, why did they stop after 4 seasons with that show? Man, a 5th season would've been great. You know, 5 seasons for Babylon 5. Would've been great. Such a shame they NEVER did that.
  8. Fuck. I messed up, I originally brought about this thread and wanted specifically to include but I got caught up and forgot him. He'll be doing the music for the Warcraft movie that's in the works, and he did the Iron Man soundtrack. He took over the soundtrack and has done a stellar job. See his AMA for more. I suppose I forgot about him since I was focused on movies, and his most influential work to date is a TV show.
  9. I'm not going to embed them to save from having a topic that takes a year to scroll through, so have a taste of each composer at (what I think) is their best! Disagree with the options? Post someone I missed! Think one of the songs for a composer I posted is not their best? Post the best! 1. (Master of everything) 2. (That slow rise hnnnnngh, you've got to let it go the whole way) 3. Danny Elfman (Can't have Tim Burton without Johnny Depp and Danny Elfman) 4. (He might not win the Batman duel, but he captures locations like no other) 5. Elmer Bernstein (Good luck getting this out of your head, I made this list and it's still stuck in mine) 6. (New to the scene, with an Oscar thanks to his work with Pixar) 7. (5 movies in, and I'm not sick of hearing his stuff) 8. Jerry Goldsmith (Probably the most robust filmography ever) 9. (Ties to the spaghetti-western brought him and Tarantino together later on) 10. (From a ridiculous number of 80s movies to "The Avengers" he is just outstanding) 11. (It's cool in Greece to only go by one name) 12. (Responsible for a lot of the growth in movie music composers) 13. (Yes, from Nine Inch Nails. He's done a prolific amount of work with movies, TV, and video games. He won an Oscar for this, so don't doubt his credentials) 14. (They're just too good. This soundtrack was so fitting for the movie it's unbelievable) 15. (This movie sucked. But his soundtracks are phenomenal) 16. James Horner (I can't forgive him for Titanic and Avatar, but god damn he's good at music making) 17. (From Anastasia to Serenity, he's making moves in the industry) 18. (Responsible for one of the most iconic themes of all time, and worked through to Dances With Wolves {told the story way better than Avatar}) 19. Michael Nyman (Incredible pianist, hasn't done much for movies but what he has done is ridiculous) 20. (Had to include the theme of my favorite movie at least) There's a million movie composers out there, I'm going for ones that resonated with me the most. I could only put 20 on the list, and honestly it was good to limit myself to that number. I tried to limit myself to movies for this one, it's possible I will move to games or TV later on depending on the success of this.
  10. 1. Every superhero does the equivalent of that. Not just the Bat. 2. This is just going off the ridiculous notion that the recent Batman iterations have instilled where Bruce Wayne is a dick. Because being a dick somehow makes him more undetectable as Batman. Watch Batman: The Animated Series or really so many other Batman titles where he is a philanthropist trying to save the city in many ways. 3. This is a really stupid point overall. To act like extreme amounts of radiation not killing you and turning you into the Hulk is somehow more believable than Bruce Wayne being really really ridiculously smart? 4. Again watch or read something other than modern dickhead Batman. He's a buddy to all!
  11. Through Batman's training, gear, and ability, has he surpassed what is considered human, and become a superhero? Or, is he just a hero? On top of that, would Batman beat Superman in a fight? No holds barred, preparation is probable. You can check your answer in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie, but what do you think now?
  12. Definition of trying too hard.
  13. If you don't know, it was made to visualize the Christmas Truce, an event in WWI in which Germans, British, and even some French co-mingled on Christmas Day. The truces were not unheard of, but the Christmas of 1914 truce had a remarkably high participation. Very well done commercial.
  14. Engle, the point of a pen name is that it's supposed to divert attention AWAY from you as the author.
  15. Best part about this game is not playing this game.
  16. I have reduced your ban to three days. You do not need to feel obligated to donate to the servers, however we always welcome donations. Looking over the event log, you did commit a string of intentional TKs. This is not appropriate in our servers, and I will stress to you now that if the intentional TKing does not cease, the next ban will be permanent. You have been banned for TKing twice in our records, do not commit a third offense. Please behave yourself in the server, and happy fragging.
  17. Gold generating items are bought pretty evenly.
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