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Everything posted by Sky

  1. EDIT: Ok I found something. What I need you to do is still uninstall TS3 but also do this: Go into your command prompt and type in "tracert steamcommunity.com > C:\output.txt". This will run a trace route and will put the output in a text file on your C drive. When you have done that copy and paste whatever is in that text file into a reply to this post. Second, can you please tell me what operating system you are running?
  2. The series has now launched! This topic will be a table of contents for the articles. By all means please reply below stating what you think! All criticism is welcome. Table of Contents I. Motherboards http://www.mediafire.com/view/09ap96z9a066...therboards.docx II. Power Supplies http://www.mediafire.com/view/ut41buu68clc...r_Supplies.docx III. Graphics Cards http://www.mediafire.com/view/6cr3898d9sf1...hics_Cards.docx Tom's Hardware Performance Charts: http://www.tomshardware.com/charts/ IV. CPU's http://www.mediafire.com/view/6cci74o0a5gp8ge/CPU.docx V. Hard Drives VI. RAM VII. Laptop or Desktop?
  3. Hi Rook, Before we can help you, please post using this form: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=16023 Also, in the future do not post in the Technician Office. Post in the main medical supply office. I have moved it for you.
  4. No wonder I couldn't find a topic for this. And Hobbs you may have rocketed my team but I killed every member on your team at least twice
  5. I went 36-12 with a sniper today, something I usually don't do. Post a screenshot of your most outrageous score and tell us about it.
  6. This is not the right place to post something like this. It would probably be best to post it in BAR lounge or the slope chute. This topic is closed.
  7. I have used this tool before and other ones from that company. I highly recommend it and it's other tools. If you are looking for an in-depth defrag tool that outdoes windows then this is the one. Glad your issue was fixed.
  8. Sky


    I think it is. The biggest drawback is it gets very repetitive and once you know how to do everything it can get pretty boring. The upside is it is very detailed in some aspects and you can pretty much build a gigantic mansion if you really want to.
  9. EDIT: My apologies.
  10. Sky

    active military?

    I personally am not but a bunch of people I graduated with are. One is in the USMC as an MP, one is an ordnance specialist on an Aircraft Carrier (he puts the bombs and missiles on the planes), one is a firefighter in the USMC and a girl was accepted to West Point after she graduated. I know for a fact that the ordnance specialist has deployed and so has the MP, but I am not sure about the firefighter.
  11. I honestly do not remember. Multiple people above TSgt. all came in at the same time and I assume all of them were admins so it was kind of confusing.
  12. Yes sir I posted this and then about 2 or 3 minutes later an admin came in and did it. My apologies.
  13. Name: ICESxWoLFx67 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:81988080 Reasons for the Ban: He was constantly team wounding in the Allies spawn with the Rocket. He also team killed me and another player blatantly. He apologized once saying something like "My mouse is stupid.". He then proceeded to continue to team wound. Multiple pubbers were asking for him to be kicked. Recommended duration of ban: 2 days - 1 week at the staff's discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N No. But Cpl. Small, Sgt. Jones, Cpl. Brault, and Rec. Wurtz were in the server with me.
  14. he is getting over paid especially for 4 years, Every athlete in the world is over paid. I think the Blue Jackets will make a big splash, and I'm not saying that because they are my favorite team it's because it would make complete sense. They are really weak in the RW area, even though they upgraded with Scott Hartnell. They could also use a good d-man so I could see them trying to court Dan Boyle or Brooks Orpik. Remember the Jackets have a little over $22 million in cap space left over so they could easily afford both those players. Another team I see making a big splash is the Red Wings. Everyone knows that Babcock wants more right-handed d-men so they definitely will go after Boyle as well. If it comes down to Jackets or Red Wings I think the Wings will get him just because they are more storied and are the better team right now. What interests me the most is where Ryan Miller will end up. There are only a few starting jobs open and I've heard that he wants to be close to LA because he is married to an actress there. The problem with that is, the only teams he could realistically go for are the Sharks and the Canucks. The Ducks already have their goalie situation set with John Gibson as their future and the Swedish guy. The Kings will never get rid of Quick, not in a million years. I'm pretty sure he would not want to play for Edmonton (who would) and Colorado already has Varlamov. The Sharks are reportedly unhappy with Niemi and honestly I don't blame them. I never really thought he was a good goalie, he just got lucky in 2010. The Canucks have Eddie Lack who is a pretty good goalie so I think Miller will go to the Sharks before he goes to the Canucks.
  15. Ok so basically these were my settings before hand: cl_cmdrate 195 cl_updaterate 350 cl_interp_ratio 2 cl_interp 0 I found out that you should always have cmdrate and updaterate match the servers tic rate and if you have a ping of under 50 you can drop interp ratio to 1 or 0 depending on your internet connection. So now this what I have: cl_cmdrate 66 cl_updaterate 66 cl_interp_ratio 0 cl_interp 0 I am still getting choke but nowhere near what I had before. It is usually between 0 and 10 now instead of consistently at 50.
  16. I know I'm not an MSO tech but this has happened to me before. If I remember correctly you have to go into your network settings and change it so that it is listed as a home network.
  17. Ok so I changed some settings in my config and it seems to be working now. Thanks for the help!
  18. It is working now. Thanks!
  19. Name: Joshua Sky Rank: Recruit Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software Brief Description of Issue: Whenever I try and join our ventrilo I get the error message "Maximum number of allowed guest logins has been reached. Try again later." I went on a different account and tried again so maybe it is the server? I've tried to google the error message but I get no results and I've been trying for the last few hours with no result. This has happened to me before but I couldn't figure out why. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  20. Ok here is my up and down from speedtest.net coming from a server in NY. I tried to up my cmdrate and updaterate in the range of 101-400 for updaterate and 101-130 in cmdrate. This only made my choke worse as it was hovering around 52 or 53. So then I decided to try a really low number going 66 for both. For some reason this made my choke hover between 0-5 sometimes going up to 10. I don't understand it.
  21. Name: Joshua Sky Rank: Recruit Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Not sure Brief Description of Issue: Ok so basically whenever I play in our server I always get choke, peaking at 50. It will sometimes drop down to 0 but only very rarely and when it does it is only for a about 2 seconds. Usually it will range from 10-50. The thing that confuses me is that in every other server that I play in my choke is consistently at 0. My lerp is always the same at 0.5 ms. My rates are: rate 25000 cl_updaterate 101 cl_cmdrate 101 I have messed with all of my rates going as low as 55 for both cmdrate and updaterate and as low as 20000 for rate. That only made the problem worse keeping my choke at 50 consistently. The rates that I have right now have helped the problem but from what I understand I cannot go any higher than 101 and 25000 for the rates? Also, and I don't know if this has anything to do with it but when I go into console while I'm playing, and type in cl_cmdrate it always comes back with the number 67 as the auto thing that appears underneath the console window. In my autoexec.cfg the rates listed above are in there and it is set to read only. In my config.cfg I have put in exec autoexec.cfg at the very end and that is set to read only as well. I have no idea what else to do. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Heresy Supporting Technician:
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