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Everything posted by Sanborne

  1. this was the most confusing thing i've ever seen..
  2. Name: SUSSU DÜZAR Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:16182441 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple team kills, Warned twice, Proceeded to admit to it and claimed he knew the person, Recommended duration of ban: At the Admins Discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N No,
  3. Think of it this way brown, You'll just be even happier when you find out you don't enjoy half of them
  4. +1 to faith lost in todays society.
  5. That first four minutes was enough to get you pumped up lmao~ Can't wait.
  6. Kicking ass as always Barry, amazing video!
  7. For once im actually pumped to see something come out In theaters this generation Looks Awsome,
  8. http://nationalreport.net/15-year-old-swat...stic-terrorism/ entire report over the incident, the judges ruling, Even has a recording of the phone call.
  9. Gangnam Style, Single Ladies, Napoleon Dynamite, Techno Viking, Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Billy Jean Er Pretty sure the dance from N/D wasn't called napoleon dynamite and im pretty sure i might've missed one or two or gotten one wrong but that's my list c:
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