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Gougeon 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gougeon 1st MRB

  1. Name: acesneakyduckyroar‏ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:442036850 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: team killing name changer to avoid ban Demo Provided?: N Comments: SSgt Persson, and Ouch that hurts were there to witness it. Persson messaged me for help catching this guy. was -55 at one point.
  2. Another great issue Raiders! Good Work!
  3. Upgraded to a month due this being his 3rd offense.
  4. Name:NICO Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:46749268 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: 5th ban on the server so upgrade it to perm, he wasasked to not move the piano on Avalanche and turned and shot the person telling him to stop it. Demo Provided?: N Comments:
  5. Name: jatszanék?, Jesus, dOMİNA, Murphy_Mclay ® Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:434198403 STEAM_0:0:434181580 STEAM_0:0:434127849 STEAM_0:1:434122302 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Using multiple accounts to avoid bans for tking in order to continue to tk in the server, Demo Provided?: no Comments: IP IP banned for me by Marsden due to offender using multiple accounts in order ro rack up almost 200 tks in server.
  6. WE got a little snow too. This is me after my 2 mile walk to work this morning.
  7. Well I do not have a TV and just assumed we qualified after doing pretty well last world cup. So France and Sweden are who I will support this time.
  8. I think the good ol'USA team will give it a run a this time.
  9. Happiest of Birthdays!
  10. Thanks Guys!
  11. I figured it out had to copy the mods folder out of my games file in my documents and put it into the mods folder in my steam apps in my program files,
  12. No that does not help. I have never seen a screen like that before.
  13. my dlc is there. i cannot get all of the mods and extra maps i have subscribed to through the CoH:2 Steam workshop
  14. Name: J. Gougeon Rank: WO Type of issue: Steam Brief Description of Issue: I got a new laptop but now when i play company of heroes 2 my subscribed content from the workshop is not available,. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician: J. Candy
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