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Gougeon 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Gougeon 1st MRB

  1. EVERy time i try to log into vent over the last 2 days I get this message: "Connected to server but unable to authenticate your login name and password. Make sure you entered the correct global server password or the password for your unique login name. You will be automatically banned if you try connecting with the wrong password several more times, so be sure you have the correct password before you try again. Passwords are case sensitive and must be completely retyped if you are making a change to it. The password will always be displayed as 8 (*'s or dots) even if the actual length of the password is shorter or longer then 8. You should also verify that you entered the correct IP address (or hostname) and Port number. If the port number is wrong you are connecting to the wrong server."
  2. Name:Kebab Monster Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:12661446 Duration of Ban:permanent Reasons for the Ban:6th time being banned for TKing so I upgraded to perm Demo Provided?: no Comments:
  3. Ues the lag spikes are getting so bad that it is becoming hard to play at all.
  4. Thank you for letting us know about his problem. He is banned for 2 days. Next time please use our ban request form and topic in the MPs forums. Thank you.
  5. Name:*GEBIRGSJAGER* Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:62899823 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: 5th time being banned for ignoring or disrespecting admins Demo Provided?: no Comments:
  6. Name: ((((MUSSA)))) Steam I.D: Unique ID: STEAM_0:0:15710494 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional tk, after warning. Recommended duration of ban:permanent 4th offense, he somehow circumvented a ban already in place on him so we will be watching for him. Demo Provided?: No, he kept disconnecting and then connecting. Am sure the gameme stats for the server will show it.
  7. banned and upgraded to perm for 4th offense
  8. "Mini" [U:1:241664949]banned for a 1 day "KOREAN ACE" [U:1:368758645] Permanent Ban 3rd offense "latj" [U:1:11358641] Banned 1 week "k4k4k4k" [U:1:34449791] Banned 1 week "[FR] COYOTE ®" [U:1:34449791] Banned 1 week "白斯文连长" [U:1:208734445] Banned 1 week
  9. Name: KOREAN ACE Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:184379322 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: 3rd time being banned for tking was at -22 pn provided screen shot Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  10. StrizZl banned for 2 weeks
  11. Ban upgraded to permanent due to this is his third ban for tking.
  12. Name:! # ZORRO 2*BG Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:545076 Reasons for the Ban:ignoring and disrespecting Admin. I asked him to not fire mortars on the map we were on due to it only tk/tws felllow teammates. i watched walk up and do it again so I kicked him. he came back on I reiterated please do not uset the mortars it tks your teammates. he looked at me laughed told me to shut up and then fired the mortar again. I the banned him for one day for ignoring and disrespecting the Admin. this is not the first time for this player. Recommended duration of ban: already banned for 1 day would like it reviewed for possible extension Demo Provided?: SSgt. Gothe and Pvt. hunter were there.
  13. Good Job guys another great edition!
  14. Happy Birthday Sir!
  15. Name: Sharse Steam I.D: U:1:121739824 Duration of Ban: 1 Week Reasons for the Ban: Warned for teamkilling and purposefully blocking sniper shots. He then set up mg in his own spawn entrance and began mowing down his team as they respawned Demo Provided?: no demo Comments: Sgt Gardner and Cpl. Persson were there
  16. Name: (1)joshcii Steam I.D: [U:1:352482806] Duration of Ban: .perm Reasons for the Ban: blatant Aimbot, rambo one shot kills with allied mg Demo Provided?: no Comments: TSgt. Duckers, Pvt. Almeida, and several regular pubbers were there.
  17. I play it with some friends that I usually play DnD and Magic the Gathering with it gets all outside and moving around while we socialize.
  18. Name:Dawn Steam I.D:U:I:23782332 Reasons for the Ban:Disrespecting Admin. He was complaining saying another player was hacking. When I told him he needs to stop accusing and take a demo and post it to the forums as our server rules state. He stated fuck you dude and left the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day Demo Provided?: Y/N none
  19. Awesome!
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