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S. Hill

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Hill

  1. ok 1st, Happy Belated Birthday Martin!!! and 2nd DUDE!!! WHERE CAN I GET ONE OF THOSE!!!! =D
  2. A book comes to mind of the title that is part of the "Sword of Truth" series. Wizards First Rule is the name of the book. "Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid, given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool." This is mostly from ignorance of some things where they can be fooled. I try to learn the facts of what IS true and try to read between the lines of things or events to know what the possible truth is. at time i myself am fooled, but i still strive to learn the truth and thus why i always tell the truth. even if it means i lose friends, family, or those i love or care about. I stick by the old adage of "The truth will set you free" and "The Truth is the only true way to live with honesty in your heart and soul" I rarely ever lie anymore and only to save someone from being hurt or abused if i am involved in that mix or stuck in the middle. but for the most part you can still tell the truth without lies but you only tell PART of the truth. Now if this movement does indeed intends to stop sharia law from being put in the European country's then its for the best i think, but at the same time it should not try to put down Islamist forcing them to live a certain way. i think a happy medium should be found, but the extremists will never allow that. its the extremists that cause the most problems in the world i believe either in religion, politics, government (such as the military), or even in the organizations such as a group that calls for radical change and such. I do believe its up to Us as individuals to know what needs to be changed and work together to help solve problems or issues that most people are unhappy about. If that can happen then this world will change for the better. But if the extremists want to change the world to there view and make the rest suffer, then i say an eye for an eye, and if they want fire, give them fire, and watch them burn cause i will bring the marshmallows. I will not abide any extreme organization or group who allows innocents to suffer all because they want there way of life to be forced onto others such as sharia law. that law is WAY outdated for this modern age and as i see it, if those group of people had put that law to rest in the past we could be on the verge of an enlightened age of knowledge.
  3. $15 dollar gift card from my aunt.
  4. \ +4 points for the Sgt. =)
  5. I know some of those scenes from the vid, and the Times Square i saw in it is like 2 blocks from the bus station/train station and if memory serves i think the station was called Penn station. its not as big as most people think it is lol, at least its not as big as i thought it was.
  6. this looks like a Total overhaul i think. i tend to go to the TESNexus for any mods for skyrim, and such. if its listed there then they will have bug reports and such on it, as well as any mods that could be a problem or cause errors.
  7. we will be here when you come back man. enjoy the time you have fixing that place up with your GF and the moments of pleasure and joys. =D see when you come back man. =D
  8. I miss eating Venison. its good meat and very healthy. lean and hardly no fat at all. =) very nice shot that guy made too. =)
  9. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10151895571916843 this was a video that was post from a friend on facebook who is in the air force. she found this and shared it. I had to share it here. =)
  10. Now that was awesome and kind of weird cause i do know a hockey fan i work with and he doesn't know the U.S. National Anthem, but he knows the canada anthem! lmao. funny part of it all is he is an american citizen born in CT where i live currently. lol But i have to say that this was VERY cool. it probably made the person singing the anthem a lot happier too. lol
  11. They have a lot of the classic game on here I used to play, but one in particular I wanted to get and replay is not there. They have the King's quest series and all the other games from the same company but not Hero's quest. I loved playing that game, and I am hoping that they will add that game in the future. I will watch this site to see if they add it or not.
  12. all i can say is that some people who just want to complain about things will FIND something to complain about and such. Me personally though that energy drink tastes like crap and piss rolled in vinager and i have Very good taste buds. if i want an energy drink i will just order some packs of XS energy drinks from Amway cause these are MUCH MUCH more healthier to drink with no major health issues later on from prolonged use.
  13. This reminds me too much of Hannibal Lector in the adult swim format. lol, now if only they could do one of Mickey getting torn up like this by star trek or something. lol
  14. Granted, you now have nothing to look forward to in life and take up a sniper rifle and hunt down the new justin beiber. I wish i could redo my life and stay in the Marines.
  15. Granted, it was full of piss the trick or treaters gave you when you pulled prank on them to take there candy, LMAO!!! I wish i found true love again.
  16. Now that's some music to go along with the vid. loved the gunshots along with the beat. Now That got my blood pumping. lol
  17. awesome kill shots there, but at the end i would have not done the YMCA song though. was never a fan of it. over all i rate this vid a 99% rating lol. =)
  18. that's pretty cool! almost reminds me of when i was in high school back in Richmond VA, we had our school marching drummers do things like this but not to THAT extent. they did tricks and such but thats it.
  19. OH NOW THAT MUST HAVE BEEN FUN!!! wish i was there to do that, i would have enjoyed that. lmao
  20. NOW THAT is a sweet ass rifle. i would love to own one of those myself for the days when WW3 breaks out or another Civil War LOL. SEMPER FI my friend. hope she enjoys hunting with that lol. =D
  21. How about him loggin on and he is stuck on the axis side permanently and waits for the map to change and he is left behind till it comes back up on the rotations lmao.
  22. so far a few anime's i been watching are Akame Ga Kill, Sword Art Online 2, bladedance of Elementalers, Aldnoah Zero, kawaii complex guide to manors and hostel behavior, the Irregulars at Magic Highschool, and Captain Earth. These shows are pretty good with some funny moments in them. not sure if any of these shows will go past 12 episode like the normal anime's tend to do, but i do think SAO will go past 12 and maybe captain earth. Still waiting on word from the 2nd season of Attack on Titans and so far and am eager to watch that when it comes out. not sure when it will since it is made in japan and has to get Subtitles before it can be released into the U.S. sadly. Waiting on 2nd seasons Black Bullet Btooom Infinite Stratos 3rd season Horizon in the middle of nowhere Makenki 3 All time fav animes are Ah my goddess, Highschool DXD, Infinite Stratos 1 & 2, Makenki 1 & 2, Bleach, Sword Art Online 1, 2, & 3 season along with special, and also one of the best ones yet, Heaven's lost property (this will make you laugh out of your nose while drinking milk).
  23. the past week has been like this for me. so far this week i have worked now over 42 hours and some of it was a called into work when i was supposed to be off work. making pizza dough wears me out literally in the arms and hands from lifting the mixer bowl up and pulling the dough out of it. Then i have to CUT the dough in sections and proceed to cut small parts of it off to weigh it for either calzones, sicilians, and the regular pizza cuts to stretch them out after they have poofed up for a day or so, then rotate those old ones from last night to the front and poke them with a fork to deflate some of the poofing so they don't stick to the next tray. i am now able to do 2 batches of dough in 45 - 60 min with the rotating of the previous nights batch to the front. the regular pizzas are 6 doughs per tray, and we do 10 trays of those, and the scilians are about anywhere from 3-12 being made with 3 in each tray. the calzones are 10 at most and are in 1 tray. so you can imagine having to move ALL of that around and push it into the cooler so it can poof, which is why i am sore and tired after work cause i start the dough at 7:30pm and then start clean up at 9pm so i can get out by 10pm if possible. sometimes i feel like screaming "GET ME OUT OF THIS DOUGH HELL!!!!!" cause now i am getting sick of smelling pizza yeast lol. if i knew then what i knew now as a kid, i would have NEVER have grown up. lmao
  24. these are my songs i love and relax too when i just want to chill based on my moods. - this is what i have been through in life
  25. since some of you were sharing some pics, i am shareing one of mine from the game. i just did this very shortly ago, used paint to copy and paste the pic in and uploaded it. This so far has been the best i have done in this tank of the JagTig 8.8 and i am loving the damage i did in it. even defended the base against those 3 tanks i killed. lol we should get together and have a Team match or something. lol I did a total of 3,903. battle lasted just barely over 6 mins, and i fired 32 shots, 27 hit, 20 penetrations. over 5K dmg done to me was blocked. LMAO god i love this tank. lmao
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