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S. Hill

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Hill

  1. 260 was my average it seems.
  2. well here is how to talk redneck. or at least learn to speak with a southern accent lol. M R Ducks - 1st guy talking. M R not - 2nd guy talking M R too - 1st guy talking I'll B Em R ducks.- 2nd guy talking. Translation them are ducks Them are not them are too Well i will be them are ducks.
  3. for some reason as soon as i quit one game to join DOD:S i am listed as offline. i don't know what happend but now i can't connect at all online with Steam. is anyone else having this issue today?
  4. THAT was some epic shooting. I loved that 3 for 1 and the 2 for 1 kills. Those are always awesome to see and get. =D
  5. I don't see one show i know was running during the mid 80's if not early 80's. hulk Hogan's rock'in wrestlers. that show was a good one too from what i can remember of it.
  6. I know what its like having that happen especially if you were close to them. I am here if you want to talk if you knew her very well. i was really close to my grandma and grandpa from my moms side.
  7. I got BF4 and am already at rank 25+ i think i am around the gunnery sgt rank now. got the premium edition and can play any maps. I am known as Tullinjr in BF4. i sent a bunch of invites for friends to others who play this game as well. if your on the same time as me we can play a few maps if your up for it. its hard though to find good pilots for the attack choppers like the viper and such. i am very good gunner seat for those things. got all the sniper ranks maxed out already and am working on my 7th star for the recon class. =) let me know if you lady or gents want to play a few maps. =)
  8. grats on the forum post ranking. lol
  9. I have several friend from gaming communities I play with from CSGO, Vega conflict, Star Trek Online, 1 from Starcraft 2, 1 from battlefield 4, and 2 good friends from on a old game i used to play and met in real life. most of them have joined the military to STOP ISIS and any of them from trying to get into the country and such. Turkey has caught red handed a few members of ISIS trying to get into there country through the country back roads and passes. Turkey is gathering a group together to combat them from trying to get in the country to sneak in to other countries around the world. Turkey is putting a STOP to ISIS and using there available troops to halt there spread and protect its citizens from them.
  10. Name: Rich Homie Quan Steam I.D: [u:1:230420183] Reasons for the Ban: disrespect to admin, Pubbers, a MRB member, griefing, TKing, Bashed MRB unit/members, and ignored server rules. gave a 1 week ban to hold him off till CS decides to increase the ban or let the 1 week stand Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Ban is requested. this guy was a complete ass to everyone and downright insulting and offensive. Demo Provided?: No. Sgt. A. Scinta was witness to it as well as Brenton. Brenton sent me a Steam Message letting me know about this player in question.
  12. From what i can remember growing up from people i met who where from england, finnland, germany, and italy, they are nice people who wish to be treated with the same respect your given is all. other countrys are the same as ours (America) with just different laws and customs to me.
  13. I have not gotten BF4 yet, but i do play alot of BF3 lately. i am known as Tullinjr in that game from Origin which is EA's version of Steam. i am currently in the SNCO ranking of it. i think gunny right now lol. after this week is over and i get my next paycheck i will likely get BF4 then.
  14. 9.7/10. it gives a truth of life, and shows the path with a sun always on one side for it either rises or falls on that side of the path you walk. =)
  15. Hey gig, your name does sound familiar to me. Did you ever play the original Day of Defeat? and if so did you ever play against a clan named [Fury]. Cause that was the clan I was in back in my old DOD days when I first started playing DoD. Then after the clan fell apart I came to Source and found the 1st MRB and been with them for over a year now and they are a bunch of great people here. I feel more at home here with this unit then I did with Fury clan.
  16. I can't wait for this game to come out!!! sadly i have to change from a 32 bit Windows 7 home premium to windows 7 64 bit without a disk if possible. =/ i also want to play fallout 4 too. so i will get BOTH games if i can. if its on steam i am getting them both. if not then i will have to get it at walmart the day of the release.
  17. I am known as Tullinjr in WOT and WOWS.
  18. I have this game as well. i already have a tier 4 phoenix ship. also the St louis is really good if you fire the HE rounds 1 at a time at a target and you can decimate it pretty quick. the best ships i play on is the phoenix and St Louis a tier 4 and tier 3 ship. =)
  19. oh gearheart sir, you should join in a match with me so i can show off my XM1014 shotgun skills. =) i pull off some amazing shots with that gun. =D
  20. we ought to get people in the unit who play this to make a CSGO clan as well. =) that way if we are online we can form up and help each other with rankings and casual fun. =)
  21. OOOHH! i love that sniper scenes. love the bear in the scope as well. =) thank you for the birthday wishes. =) in case most of you don't know (besides my dad cause he does know) i turned 37.
  22. lol good one dad.
  23. sadly the sniper behind him is oblivious to it all. Wait??? THAT'S ME!!!! ok who ever took this Screen shot you took a pic of my bad side. can we get a redo? lol
  24. Congratulations on your new member of the family. you will have some sleepless nights for a while feeding and changing but while the child is growing up you will have more joyous moments then sleepless nights. I wish you two the best and see you in the game when you two can play. =D
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