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Distinguished Civilian
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  1. Name:[/b Hoppoh] Steam I.D:[/b [U:1:291680936] Duration of Ban:[/b up to you guys] This player had a score of -50 on this server this morning, TIME 3am Eastern, he cleared the server, we had 15 ppl playing at the time plz ban this player Thank you Aka Xante Aka A.Sanchez
  2. Name: Faceblaster6969 aka Doom Steam I.D: U:1:282190254 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team killing Demo Provided?: No but Muppet Puncher was there Comments: Repeatedly team killed, left, and returned as a new name to do the same. Edited just now by Fidel 1st MRB
  3. Problem fixed had to flashed my router Ty all for trying to help me
  4. Name: Alejandro Sanchez Rank: Pvt. Type of issue: Not Sure Not Sure Brief Description of Issue: The past 3 days I've had major fps drops in every game. In DoDs i used to have 150+ now i have 60 to 10, in Wot it used to be 60, now it 25 to 17. I have updated my graphic card thinking that would help but sadly it didn't. Please help ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: J. Candy Supporting Technician: R. Vicari
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