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    Boston, MA

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  1. MGM

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  2. MGM

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    recent trip to florida with my boys and girlfriend
  3. i dont hack bud lol, its called a flickshot thats why they make big mousepads...but your entitled to your opinion
  4. MGM

    Personal Pictures

    yea overall around $1200-$1300 when everything was new edit:people say i look like dave/james franco (right)
  5. MGM

    Personal Pictures

    me at the driving range and my gaming setup, i was bored lol
  6. Ok man, swear on my life i didnt try to not get kills when u joined haha. But your the admin so whatever you say goes i guess, thanks for your time. Im not trying to be the good guy here to try and make u guys feel sorry for me either, just being the honest person i was raised to be brother even though i know those are hard to come by on the internet.
  7. Name: MGM Steam I.D: STEAM:0:1:13456502 Reasons for the Ban: hacking im guessing Recommended duration of ban: idk forever most likely Demo Provided?: idk I want to start off by saying i have never hacked in dods or any game for that matter. I swear on my family's lives i havent, theres not much else i can say to plead my case, im just good with the sniper rifle idk what else to tell you lol. I know for a fact no ones demo detected anything because i dont hack so this ban is out of speculation which i can understand, getting 100 kills on dods_jagd isnt something you see everyday or any map for that matter. To be honest i wouldnt even know how to hack, would probably mess up my computer. I have been playing this game for 10 years now and have quick reactions, i have also been playing cs competitively which as you all know is a very skilled, competitive game, and have even been to LAN tournaments for it. I am being very civil regarding this issue so i hope you guys can be too, i really enjoy playing on your server and hope you reconsider my ban. Thanks, have a good day.
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