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T. Blackwood

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Everything posted by T. Blackwood

  1. Japan (23) USA (31) Mexico (5) Canada (27) England (19) Norway (17) North Korea (39) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (38)
  2. Japan (22) USA (28) Mexico (9) Canada (26) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (39) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (38)
  3. I saw that last night and have watched it a few times since. My favorite part is when they do the montage of him telling his tale and he pops up from behind the chair haha
  4. Japan (21) USA (27) Mexico (14) Canada (24) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (36) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (38) China (2)
  5. Japan (20) USA (25) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (5) England (18) Norway (18) North Korea (30) Sweden (24) Finland (20) Germany (33) China (8)
  6. Japan (19) USA (26) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (6) England (18) Norway (18) North Korea (30) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (32) China (9)
  7. apan (22) USA (27) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (9) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (29) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (27) China (7)
  8. Too late to get in on this? I haven't played 5th edition yet, but I've played a rogue from AD&D to 4th edition.
  9. Japan (21) USA (26) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (10) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (30) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (26) China (8)
  10. Japan (19) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (21) Russia (17) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (27) Sweden (22) Finland (20) Germany (22) China (14)
  11. Not really concerned with who wins. I want to see Mayweather in pain.
  12. The only way to make this more awesome would be to give the raptors their own motorcycles.
  13. Right now?
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