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J. Hill

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Hill

  1. We don't actually call that a Motorcycle. Its a crotch rocket.
  2. they actually cut quite nicely through skin and bones.
  3. J. Hill

    Berlin attack

    The Government screwed up big time. They should take the trouble makers, criminals, and those with ties to terrorist organizations and incarcerate them til they can be expelled from Europe. Not send them to another country, but send them back where they came from. Only sure way to protect the people.
  4. J. Hill

    Berlin attack

    Its sad the government was warned it would happen, yet they took no precautions.
  5. it got bad in California also. at least 20 million in damage. These are kids brainwashed by progressive Colleges, and agitated by progressive troublemakers. Some of those punks want riots and don't care who gets hurt for it to happen. Punk kids were so hurt their candidate lost, and they were not even old enough to vote, that they walked out of high schools, and the schools kissed their ass and felt sorry for them. In my day if we had done that, we would have been suspended from school and received a failing grade on any tests or assignments we missed. Kids are spoiled rotten today and its going to ruin our country. When these sissy's grow up, who is going to work so they can have their free stuff? get ready to work til you die Millennials, todays cry babies won't want to work for anything, but will want everything you have for free. They may even riot and take it if you don't give it to them for free.
  6. From my perspective, the Police handled it correctly. Once that group broke off from the main group, where they were allowed to stage their protest, they broke the law. they impeded traffic and refused to leave the area. The way I would handle it, is ask them to leave the area, move off the streets or return to the original area. If they refused, I would use tear gas and flash bangs to try and drive them out. If that did not work, I would use water cannons. soak them down and they either freeze or go home to get dry clothes. Next I would use rubber bullets and bean bags. Cause them some pain. IF they started destroying property or starting fires like they did on previous nights, I would open fire. Their rights do not allow them to infringe on the rights of others. They caused enough damage already. no need to allow them to cause more. Shoot a few and the rest will scatter.
  7. Gratz Uncle Marcus. news worth dying for.
  8. you talk about double standards for trump. What about Hillary. She condemns Trump as a womanizer who molests women. How is that different from what Bill has done. Hillary has gone as far as to condemn and smear the women also. Then there is the woman who claimed that Trump raped her when she was 13 years old. She admitted it was a lie, that she was paid to say that by the Democrats. To bad she committed suicide to keep from going to jail before she could say who it was that paid her to claim that.
  9. Build a wall, believe me, you don't want all the bleeding heart progressives posing as liberals in Canada.
  10. well, that doesn't work to well here against an armed assailant. If they take guns from the population, then only the Government and Criminals (not much difference between the two) will have guns. Criminals always find a way to get guns, and not legally.
  11. ok. watched the video. 1. They came in with guns out. She had the right to shoot. they kicked in her door and brandished firearms. 2. she was a local restaurant owner who had supplies for the restaurant in the home. It was not her normal home. she was just staying there for work related reasons. 3. She may not have been born in the US, but she may be a naturalized citizen, in which case she may be allowed to own a gun. 4. no way to know if she has neighbors across the street or not. If she had shot into neighbors houses, she could be charged. 5. She probably has a gun because she handles large amounts of cash from work. nightly deposits and such. she may have been robbed before and decided not to let some punks steal from her again. her only fault was in not killing all 3 punks.
  12. wait til you see the bad ass computer I build after I start my new job. Gonna make a lot of people cry.
  13. If I can't play it on a computer, I don't play it.
  14. We need to preserve our history, not destroy it. if you violate sacred lands, they are destroying history. I know if they started digging up my ancestors, I would be really pissed.
  15. Whoever said I was a good naval Commander? Iran keeps messing with ships in international waters. They like to think they can control the Strait. I would show them otherwise.
  16. International waters. Iran likes to try and control it though.
  17. I would have fired a shot across the Iranians bow at 500 yards, if they kept coming, I would have sunk them.
  18. some advice. Keep your mouth shut during the freefall. You will be traveling at 100 MPH. When the chute does deploy, you will feel like your balls are pushed up into your throat. Don't eat a big meal before or get drunk the night before. The instructors don't like getting puked on.
  19. Only 2 things fall from the sky. Bird shit and Fools.
  20. some people have no clue. LOL.
  21. they forget the idea is to kill terrorists, not the innocent CIVILIAN population.
  22. Happy Birthday Boone.
  23. its an assembly line. they build cars all day long. 24/7.
  24. Wasn't it a Jeep that rolled backwards and killed the guy who played Chekov in the new Star Trek movies? It was due to a transmission problem that should have been recalled but was not recalled properly. slipped out of gear and pinned him against a stone wall. Just Saying, you don't want a vehicle made by people who get drunk and high at lunch.
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