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About Britton

  • Birthday 07/22/1987

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  1. Name: norway2315 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:172677429 Duration of Ban: permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing in the pub Demo Provided?: N Y/N Comments: I received multiple messages threw steam from pubbers and members Pvt. M Paul first message then other pubbers told me so i did it threw source bans, as he was at -25 when i did it
  2. ty they have been banned
  3. Name: pwnzer Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:47919 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban:Wall Hacking Demo Provided?: Y http://www.filedropper.com/showdownload.php/pwnzer Comments: Been thinking he was doing something fishy and other players commented on there own broken demo's so i took one myself, it's a small one and requires a good 3 watches myself and Larson checked it out and agreed but if you would like to watch it i will let you know what i had saw and where we came to our decision on the ban
  4. im pretty sure this is an old petition.....unless they remade it again but i've seen a few of these floating around over the years.....and ripley it bothers me also since dodS is part two lol
  5. Name: Vika Ru Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:20081581 Duration of Ban:perma Reasons for the Ban: cheating/hacking Demo Provided?: N Comments: he just stood outside of the spawn with ally mg and made all headshotswith out aiming at us really, super blate
  6. recording demo's threw steam dont last that long, doing it threw console it can only bu up to a min long or it crashes, other wise use a different program and send it to us ty
  7. keep close eye on him, i kicked him for those reasons on sunday and he was very mouthy......next ban perm i belive
  8. this is this screamer i liked in the band they been in and out alot but its been one my fav non american bands i listen to and i still enjoy there stuff
  9. I recently had a Bose Soundlink Mini, the first one that was discontinued. That one was great with sound clarity and was loud, i recently gave it to my buddie to listen to at his place. I'm looking for huge sound, good base and easy to connect to my Galaxy S7 Edge that can play for long hours!!! Pretty sure some of you may have a better idea than i would on these kind of things so any ideas and links on a great speaker would be much love....price is not an option willing to go up to 300$ for one but if it is more expensive dont worry, i just want the best outside bluetooth speaker ty guys
  10. 307ms was my avg, is that good or bad lol
  11. startz.zip teamuk.zip the first one is a typo supposed to be StatZ if you can watch these tell me what you think, i dont have a program to watch them since the dods one is broken
  12. oh and btw here is his GameME http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/210130
  13. Name: StatZ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:168592222 Duration of Ban: i gave him a week ban, but should be perma Reasons for the Ban: he was blant on aimbot and wall hacking Demo Provided?: N, i recorded a demo second time i have and it just crashes the game, also Mar-Cella has recorded a demo before in the past about a week ago and Dohms gave it to me and that one also crashes Y/N Comments: it was very apparent the guy was cheating all you had to do was watch him for just 3 kills if that, aiming off the player and headshots, then i was watching him trace them threw a wall out of there spawn
  14. i looked at his last two bans all team killing bans, this will be his third ban, he is changing names also ( banned for a month )
  15. my father is still alive but feels like he's been gone my whole life.....and happy fathers day to anyone who is a daddy!!!
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