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Kevin Moore

Distinguished Civilian
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About Kevin Moore

  • Birthday 04/05/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Benton City, WA
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Kayaking, and almost anything that is outdoors or killing something.

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Colt .45 1911

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Forum Beginner

Forum Beginner (3/91)



  1. Hate to bump a old post but I do love me some hunting and there is nothing like hunting with a rifle "under powered" for the normal hunter. If you are going to be hunting with the air rifle then I would look at Gamo and Benjamin brands. If you are just going to be plinking around the house then something with better sights and a lower cost would probably suit you fine. As far as real rifles go... Yalls relics are awesome, I own some SKS's that I learned on, but there is no better bang for your buck then a Savage. That is, if you can get one over there. I just sighted mine in for deer season, was grouping less then 1 inch with 3 shots at 100 yards in the prone with a sling. With that being said, 99% of all guns are going to shoot relatively strait and where you point them. Most of it has to do with the shooter. Also, any rifle you can afford is better then not having one.
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