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About Wirths

  • Birthday 02/05/1980

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  • Location
    RLP, Germany
  • Steam Profile

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Mauser Karbiner 98k

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Forum Informer

Forum Informer (19/91)



  1. Name:Erich Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:26835718 Reasons for the Ban:Rude, disrespectful Player Recommended duration of ban:To MPs descision Demo Provided?: N Chat History
  2. Let me Help you with the proper format, also i think you deserved the ban for the cheesy spots you always take: Name:Ape Raped Grape Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:1076282 Date & Time of ban:around 13:30 06/18/2015 Admin who banned you: 1stSgt. A. Cannon Reason we should Unban: Banned today, not sure by who as they did not provide a warning. This was for jumping to the top area within church that 2ndLT Griswold and I were discussing yesterday. We discussed Griswold's explanation that this was allowed but the admin ignored what was discussed. Request unban and the associated admin be informed of your policy. Thanks! Ape
  3. You kinda smell like smegma

  4. Happy Birthday Gris. Have a great one.
  5. Thank you Bradly you can close this Topic now.
  6. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful Day!
  7. i mean i know how this works.. you ask 100 ppl and show the 10 dumb asses but not the 90 that answer correctly. But when i look around me in germany, especially around the younger generation (up to 20 or 25) there really seems to be a lot of morons that dont care about whats going on around them. And dont even know basic stuff. Is it really that bad abroad or is this only a small percentage that really is like that? What is your daily experience with this? FYI i always thought that the movie idiocracy got a pretty good point about our future.
  8. Ok i will try heres another old some for the time beeing a real classic: and something a little newer
  9. Nice Trash movie ^^
  10. After i found this video about "Mad" Jack Churchill i found this Jewel:
  11. outsch ^^ why would you eat those chilis with 1 million scoville.....
  12. Like play the story line together with a friend (or more than one)
  13. isnt there maybe a plugin or something to have a white list? like have registered names to the steamid so they cant be impersonated?
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