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Beuting 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Beuting 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. This game is addictive. Also I tried to be a littlebit creative, so this is my first attempt on creating a weapon skin lol.
  3. Happy Birthday
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. 23:52 - Pvt. R. Boone [1st MRB]: asked musleh yesterday i think if he knew if retarded MRB members could grant PTU's (he mixed up retarded with retired ^^)
  10. Name: Zen Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:132048156 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: exessive Tking Demo Provided?: Y/N brenton. |ßÄЯ|, Tifrobond informed me via Steam Comments: that guy had -66, had to handle instantly. If perm ban might have been too much please changethe duration up to your discretion
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Name: 自慰自我少女傻逼 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:77653225 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: Spraying blatant pornographic sprays Demo Provided?: Y/N No, Cpl. K. Garner, Pfc. M. Lee were present Comments: player has been warned but kept on spraying these excessively
  13. Name: 傻逼***少女喜欢安慰自 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:127786611 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: Spraying blatant pornographic sprays Demo Provided?: Y/N No, Cpl. K. Garner, Pfc. M. Lee were present Comments: player has been warned but kept on spraying these excessively
  14. Name: BC - WarTurtle Steam I.D: [u:1:401289] Reasons for the Ban: multiple intentional tk on pub. He has been warned not to go on tk. In the first place I've kicked him to stop him going on and he didn't come back then. Recommended duration of ban: up to your descretion. Demo Provided?: Y/N Link
  15. Name: -ᴶᴼᴺᴬᵀᴴᴬᴻ- Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:49024362 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: I first warned him not to insult the other pubbers and then he was disrespectful towards me by calling me a cunt and telling me to shut up. I kicked him for that and after the kick he complained about admin abuse and I warned him again not to insult people here, but he responded the same way and told me to shut up and called me cunt again. Demo Provided?: Y/N No, Pvt. R. Boone and brenton. |ßÄЯ| were present Comments: I actually wanted to ban him for a day and not permanent, so this should be changed if need be. Edit: i can't open up a new topic in the MP Archives.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Name:седьмой Эван Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:48100962 Reasons for the Ban: Chatlog says it all. I haven't seen all of it since i was occupied with the other incident, this blatant disrespect towards our admins in general went down a bit but should be handled. Recommended duration of ban: up to your discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...ies/chat/155331, Cpl. S. Larson and Pvt. R. Boone were present
  18. Name: Sebastian Larrson Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12728576 Duration of Ban: 1 day Reasons for the Ban: impersonating 1stMRB member by name, disrespecting admins Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: I bring that up as because this might be discussed by the player. I've been told by Cpl. Larson, that this player offended him via Teamchat Link. Then he changed his name to Cpl. Nooblet Larrson which was pretty obvious in this context. He changed his name after I told him and kept on discussing. I kicked him for he refused to stop discussion and respecting the admins word. Then he came back with this name and started the discussion again. Edit: couldn't put it in the Military Archives for some reason.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Happy Birthday
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Happy Birthday, Sir
  24. Happy Birthday
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