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Beuting 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Beuting 1st MRB

  1. Congrats Thomson family!!!
  2. Happy Birthday!!!
  3. happy Birthday!
  4. This is only partly correct. The unemployed (if you are not self-employed tho) you'll receive a certain portion of your former salary from the government (60% or 67% with a child - "Arbeitslosengeld I")for a period depending on how long you've worked before. After this period you'll receive "Arbeitslosengeld II" wich is to cover your basic needs (This also includes healthcare). This is like help for unemployed and social welfare all in one. While receiving ALG II the government requires you to do everything to end up your neediness which means that the unemployed have to do any acceptable work as long as there is no physical or psychical inability to do that. if not the benefits will be reduced. That so far in theory. But as you already described for the USA people here also have their tricks to avoid to fulfill their commitments. It's almost the same method. The thing here in Germany is that many jobs are underpayed. Working people need either several jobs or additional ALG II to cover their needs, so some smart asses just say "Hold on, why should i work at all if i ccan receive the same amount of money by doing nothing?" I really appreciate support for people in need not being able to work or earn too less to survive without support, but this attitude is just stupid.
  5. Name: Duarte [POR] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:108859226 Duration of Ban: 1 day Reasons for the Ban: voice spamming, has been warned several times Demo Provided?: No. 1stSgt. Candy, SSgt. Small and Sgt. Britton have been present and warned him as well. Comments: As I said he refused to listen and showed disrespect towards us, so 1stSgt. Candy banned him for 1 day. As Duarte [POR] has already been banned by myself for 1h due to mic spamming and being disrespectful a couple days ago, so he actually should have known better. He might contest the ban, so this is why I write a ban report.
  6. Yay!!!! Welcome Back!
  7. Scary, but brought it all on point. They knew it all before, they've decided to punish those countries having a too high indebtness which never really happened afaik. And now here'res the result. It probably should have happened even way earlier in my opinion. The extension of loans hasn't done a favor to anyone and we actually payed and payed for nothing. I like the idea of a united Europe, but not at any price.
  8. At least I was right with Japan. I hope we can make it at least for the 3rd place as well as I hope for USA to win this then. They'd deserve it.
  9. If only they'd play on a decent time I think this one will be really interesting since both teams are similarly strong. Will cross my fingers for the German girls tho my prediction for the final: Germany vs. Japan
  10. Name: FacuShark Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:57530151 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive TKing Recommended duration of ban: actually i wanted to ban him for 1 day and accidentially permabanned him, so this is a request to lower the ban. I apologize for the efforts. Demo Provided?: Y/N Sgt. P. O'Hare and Pvt. M. Simpson were present
  11. I asked Gerhard if he told you what you told me that I hated you.That was super mean of him.

  12. Quarterman told me that you told him that I hated him? That was mean.

  13. 7, small and lightblue
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. So I have only 3$ left and I'm trapped in my own house - great!
  16. Mazda 2 - quadratic, practical, good.
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. Kung Fury already made it in German TV morning show ^^
  19. Happy Birthday!
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