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Beuting 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Beuting 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. I didn't know about that organization in the UK, but the similarity is obvious. Basically I totally agree with you all, that this is a very difficult issue and I share your opinion. Steven, you refered to the most important point, the truth. And here I start asking myself what they really want, as the claims of PEGIDA are not really clear to me and the founder Lutz Bachmann is not a trustworthy person in my impression of him. I really like your quote by the way
  3. The current upcoming anti-Islamification rallies in Germany, organized by the protest group PEGIDA ("Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West"), make me feel very concerned. In my opinion this anti-Islam movement is just a valve for the dissatisfaction of the people because of the general problems and difficulties regarding to our society and inner german policy. The recent terrorist activities of radical Islamic groups such as the IS or the Taliban gave them just an excuse to act against muslims in general. Nevertheless I hope our politicians see that as an invitation to face the inner problems of our country. At last I'm glad a majority of people put a sign against racism, xenophobia and prejudices. Some 30,000 Germans Protest Against Anti-Islam Rallies (The New York Times) 'Not in our light.' Cologne Cathedral protests anti-Islamization rally (CNN London)
  4. ....even that wouldn't be an adequate excuse
  5. Happy Birthday and a Happy New Year
  6. That song definitely has something. But I am wondering why no one mentioned this timeless song so far: Faithless - Insomnia At the moment this one runs up and down the regional radio stations and somehow it got stuck in my ears: Tov Lo - Habits (Stay High) I still like that one:
  7. No, probably his belt simply doesn't fit anymore after an excessive Christmas dinner Happy New Year!
  8. Even eaten too much glue as a child is not an adequate excuse for that
  9. Wow, this is so awesome! It's almost like a travel back in that time
  10. Pvt. C. Britton Pvt. M. Walden Pvt. Britton again
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. Pvt. C. Wirths Pvt. M. Walden Pvt. N. Drane
  13. Great! She's just an awesome artist, there's nothing to complain. I also love her cover versions, since they are very unique
  14. Here's a little bit of what I like: Tori Amos - Winter
  15. My condolences to you and your family...
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