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Woz 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Woz 1st MRB last won the day on March 24 2016

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About Woz 1st MRB

  • Birthday 05/21/1990

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  1. I'll be there with my brother to watch the RLCS World Championship. Are any of you living in L.A.?
  2. Video of the tournament: https://beam.pro/NoodleBeard?vod=1129762
  3. I've got a beam.pro stream (less than 1 second latency) that I could host on.
  4. I'll be putting up some items in a pool for participation. Higher placing teams get first pick, but everyone will be getting something.
  5. Put me in coach
  6. This game optimizer will automatically kill unnecessary processes and also allow you to see what is being killed. This might solve the problem outright, or at least point you in the right direction as to what might be pulling window focus away from your game. http://rzr.to/cortex-download More info on the program (used to be owned by IObit but is now owned by razer) http://www.razerzone.com/cortex/boost?utm_source=iobit&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=iobitgbredirect
  7. It was a great high-dea to join the unit!
  8. The editor parses bbcode upon posting and converts it into the corresponding html. For example, this text in the post: [b]This is bold[/b] becomes this html in the source: <strong>This is bold</strong>
  9. All of the code boxes and formatting have now been fixed on all posts in the Ribbons, Crests, and Badges topic.
  10. The topic that lists the bbcode for ribbons, crests, and badges has many code boxes that need to have their snippets refreshed. Would you mind if I went through and did all of them? http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/1450-ribbons-crests-badges-for-signatures/
  11. No problem. Glad I could help!
  12. Try finding all of the sound.cache files in this folder and its sub-folders: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod After deleting these files, open Day of Defeat:Source and enter this command in the console: snd_restart Then see if the console errors go away.
  13. So when you go to the list of topics on this page you can't long click a title to edit it, but you can do so from this thread?
  14. Template looks fine. I guess we will just wait until we can reliably reproduce the error and then investigate from there.
  15. That is the javascript that makes the title edit work. It pretty much confirms my suspicion that data-role="editableTitle" is required on the <a> element in order for it to editable. Just to offer an explanation of what's going on in that JS, when it sees data-role="editableTitle", it registers a few event listeners on that element. Namely these: mousedown: starts a 1 second timer which eventually uses jQuery to add the text input element and hide the <a> element. It then registers another event listener on the input element that will send the update to the server on blur (losing focus) or on a press of the enter key. After the update completes, it removes the input and un-hides the title. mouseup: cancels the 1 second timer or does nothing if the timer has already fired click: It registers an event on this one to make sure that the click event does not go through (preventDefault) after a long click to edit has occured.
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