Woz 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Woz 1st MRB
Video of the tournament: https://beam.pro/NoodleBeard?vod=1129762
I've got a beam.pro stream (less than 1 second latency) that I could host on.
I'll be putting up some items in a pool for participation. Higher placing teams get first pick, but everyone will be getting something.
Put me in coach
Pending Reply - This problem is super annoying
Woz 1st MRB replied to Holquist 1st MRB's question in Hardware Guides & Maintenance Questions
This game optimizer will automatically kill unnecessary processes and also allow you to see what is being killed. This might solve the problem outright, or at least point you in the right direction as to what might be pulling window focus away from your game. http://rzr.to/cortex-download More info on the program (used to be owned by IObit but is now owned by razer) http://www.razerzone.com/cortex/boost?utm_source=iobit&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=iobitgbredirect -
It was a great high-dea to join the unit!
The editor parses bbcode upon posting and converts it into the corresponding html. For example, this text in the post: [b]This is bold[/b] becomes this html in the source: <strong>This is bold</strong>
All of the code boxes and formatting have now been fixed on all posts in the Ribbons, Crests, and Badges topic.
The topic that lists the bbcode for ribbons, crests, and badges has many code boxes that need to have their snippets refreshed. Would you mind if I went through and did all of them? http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/1450-ribbons-crests-badges-for-signatures/
No problem. Glad I could help!
Try finding all of the sound.cache files in this folder and its sub-folders: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod After deleting these files, open Day of Defeat:Source and enter this command in the console: snd_restart Then see if the console errors go away.
So when you go to the list of topics on this page you can't long click a title to edit it, but you can do so from this thread?
Template looks fine. I guess we will just wait until we can reliably reproduce the error and then investigate from there.
That is the javascript that makes the title edit work. It pretty much confirms my suspicion that data-role="editableTitle" is required on the <a> element in order for it to editable. Just to offer an explanation of what's going on in that JS, when it sees data-role="editableTitle", it registers a few event listeners on that element. Namely these: mousedown: starts a 1 second timer which eventually uses jQuery to add the text input element and hide the <a> element. It then registers another event listener on the input element that will send the update to the server on blur (losing focus) or on a press of the enter key. After the update completes, it removes the input and un-hides the title. mouseup: cancels the 1 second timer or does nothing if the timer has already fired click: It registers an event on this one to make sure that the click event does not go through (preventDefault) after a long click to edit has occured.
Lt. Col., If you track down an example of one that cannot be edited, I have a hunch that the <a> element will be missing: data-role="editableTitle" Example of a title that brings up the edit input as expected: <a href="http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/33781-new-forum-questions/" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/33781-new-forum-questions/?preview=1" data-ipshover-timeout="1.5" itemprop="url" data-role="editableTitle" id="ips_uid_252_5"> <span itemprop="name"> New Forum Questions </span> </a> Example of a title that does not bring up the edit input as expected: <a href="http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/33781-new-forum-questions/" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/forums/topic/33781-new-forum-questions/?preview=1" data-ipshover-timeout="1.5" itemprop="url" id="ips_uid_252_5"> <span itemprop="name"> New Forum Questions </span> </a> In the relevant templates, the html should look something similar this: <a href='{$row->url()}' {{if $row->tableHoverUrl and $row->canView()}}data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{$row->url()->setQueryString('preview', 1)}' data-ipsHover-timeout='1.5'{{endif}} itemprop="url" {{if $row->canEdit()}}data-role="editableTitle"{{endif}}> <span itemprop="name"> {{if $row->mapped('title')}}{wordbreak="$row->mapped('title')"}{{else}}<em class="ipsType_light">{lang="content_deleted"}</em>{{endif}} </span> </a> In any case, the segment we are focusing on is the if statement surrounding data-role="editableTitle" If the template is lacking this segment, there is no way for the title to ever be editable from the long click, even if they have the appropriate permissions. If the element has this attribute in HTML and it is still not working, then it is a JS issue. (If this is the case, I can help if given an example) If the relevant templates have that if statement, but the HTML element is not showing it in the right cases, then it is probably a permissions issue.
I ended up removing my comment and moving it to another thread since this one already had a reply marked as the solution. In any case, the relevant style was on the actual element, and not in any of the css files. Changing "width: 100%" to "max-width: 100%" was enough to change it since element style has higher specificity than class style. Unless the style is being added to the element via javascript (a la jQuery), it should be editable in the relevant template or html file. In regards to !important, I agree. It can lead to unintended side effects that are sometimes hard to trace down later.
The source editor width is restricted to a maximum of 350px .ipsApp .ipsField_autocomplete, .ipsApp textarea, .ipsApp input[type="text"], .ipsApp input[type="password"], .ipsApp input[type="datetime"], .ipsApp input[type="datetime-local"], .ipsApp input[type="date"], .ipsApp input[type="month"], .ipsApp input[type="time"], .ipsApp input[type="week"], .ipsApp input[type="number"], .ipsApp input[type="email"], .ipsApp input[type="url"], .ipsApp input[type="search"], .ipsApp input[type="tel"] { background-color: #ffffff; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #a6a6a6 #d9d9d9 #d9d9d9 #a6a6a6; border-radius: 3px; width: 100%; max-width: 350px; <- this one is messing things up padding: 7px; } The max-width element is restricting the source edit width. You can override it on the in-line element style of the textarea. It looks like someone was trying to do that, but used width instead of max-width. The following edit should fix the issue: element.style { width: 100%; -> max-width: 100%; height: 414px; resize: none; outline: none; text-align: left; tab-size: 4; }
Removing the background property from ".ipsApp select:not([multiple])" will make all dropdowns look normal and readable again. (Note: It seems like this style appears twice in the css and must be removed in both places). .ipsApp select:not( [multiple] ) { -webkit-appearance: button; height: 33px; line-height: 1; background: #282828; <- remove this line to solve the issue background-position: right center; background-size: 18px 9px, 100% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; cursor: pointer; padding: 7px 30px 7px 7px; -moz-appearance: none; text-indent: 0.01px; text-overflow: ''; border: 1px solid #393939; } Before: After:
It seems like some code tags from the old forums were converted to a format of: <pre class="ipsCode"> [content here with <br /> for new lines] </pre> And when making new code snippets in the new editor, the result is: <pre class="ipsCode prettyprint lang-html prettyprinted"> <span class="pln"> [content here with no <br /> for new lines] </span> </pre> The class .ipsCode has a background property that makes it white, but the old code tags that were converted are missing the .pln class surrounding them to change the default text color to black, as well as the other classes that do color formatting, etc. I'm not proposing we change the white background (it looks great as is). I'm more posting this so that other staff members can edit their old forms so that they are not white on white. So, for anyone stumbling across this looking for a quick fix, try one of these three options: White Background, Black Text: White Background, Black Text: <pre class="ipsCode"> <span class="pln">[content here]</span> </pre> Black Background, White Text with White Bar to the Side: <pre class="ipsCode" style="background: black;"> [content here with <br /> for new lines] </pre>
The text is white on white and therefore invisible. .ipsTruncate.ipsTruncate_line { white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: block; width: 100%; background: none; color: #fff; } .ipsTruncate.ipsTruncate_line { white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: block; width: 100%; background: none; }
This is the unlikely story of maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him
This is the unlikely story of maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal.
This is the unlikely story of maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that
Resolved - New build
Woz 1st MRB replied to Willow 1st MRB's question in Hardware Guides & Maintenance Questions
Solid choices.