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Woz 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Woz 1st MRB

  1. Do the 1st MRB Servers have the wait command enabled?
  2. Just a few questions: Do you have any anti-virus software running while you play? If so, try disabling it during gameplay and see what happens.Does changing any of the graphics options eliminate or reduce the frequency of this issue (multi-core rendering can sometimes be finicky too)Are all settings for the game default? Are there any custom models / sounds / a custom HUD?Lastly, could you post a dxdiag here? I can try to look through it and see if there is anything fishy. How to obtain your DxDiag file: From the desktop click: Start > Run (or windows key + r).In the blank text field of the window that appears type “dxdiag” without the quotes. Press run or hit enter.Another window should appear titled DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Near the bottom of the window click on “Save All Information…” A popup should appear with a progress bar, this may take a few minutes.After it completes a dialog should appear asking you where to save the file, I would recommend saving it to your desktop (automatically selected) with the default name and file type.Open the file on your desktop (or wherever you saved it) and select all (ctrl + a) and copy (ctrl + c).Paste the information in the tags as it can be quite heavy. That is it.
  3. Replying to a very old post, but I figured it would be nice to have this info here for anyone to see. TL;DR It does not make a big difference in accuracy for you or the other players. It only determines how soon you will see a players actions, which is important when considering reaction times against someone coming from behind cover. Interpolation (lerp) is a client side setting. This means that it only affects how the game is rendered to you, and not to anyone else. The delay that you are tweaking is the delay between the time you receive a server snapshot and the time that it is rendered to the client. The default of 100ms lerp on a 66 tick server (15ms snapshots) means that even if a packet is lost, there are substantial packets in that 100ms timeframe to keep animation smooth. Naturally, this interpolation of motion leads to some minor inconsistencies in movement / animation in terms of congruence to the true server state, and is only made worse when packets are lost. This is where some hit registration errors happen. The rest of the hit registration errors usually come from the server being overloaded, or your connection having too much jitter (the average difference in ping of each packet sent). Before I completely answer the question, I want to move on to some clarifications about how networking in this game works. I think that the video might create the notion that interpolation (lerp) makes you miss the other player because you are shooting in the wrong spot, but this is a misunderstanding. The client keeps track of the interpolation delay, and communicates this to the server along with its command packets (what keys you've pressed, what mouse movements you've made, etc.). The server then takes this into account when determining hit scans (whether your shot's trajectory intersects another player and where). Because of this delay (which is compounded with latency, more on that later), you end up with those oh-so-frustrating deaths where you are certain that you had already ran behind a wall when they shot you. An interpolation of 100ms means that you will see players coming around a corner at least 100ms after they have done so, but on the other hand you will see them duck behind a corner 100ms after they have done so, which can play to your advantage sometimes. Compound this with latency (your ping) and that delay becomes even greater. This is why it seems like people who pop out from behind corners are able to shoot you so fast. Depending on your interpolation settings, they receive a jump on you in a reaction-times race that amounts to nearly a 50% lead! (Average human reaction times are about 200-250ms) So, high interpolation will not necessarily make you easier to hit, nor will it necessarily make other targets easier to hit; It will, however, give your opponents an advantage when coming out from cover against you. This reaction time race is the main reason why optimizing interpolation is important. I am glad to answer any other questions about networking in this game. Just ask here and I will reply.
  4. PM me if no-one has sent you GMOD. I have an extra one.
  5. I was going to ask if someone could pm me the file url (or dropbox the file to me if the site has already been taken down) so that I could run it through IDA, but it looks like someone on the steam forums has already decompiled and analyzed it. I would still be interested in looking at it anyways, so if someone could hook me up with the file, that would be awesome.
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