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Woz 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Woz 1st MRB

  1. how far of a move is it?
  2. Cool beans! Marking as resolved.
  3. Those warnings simply mean that those commands were blocked when they were executed from your cfg because of the server not having the sv_cheats flag enabled. They mean no harm. If they are bothering you though, go into your cfg file and find the lines that use those commands, and remove them.
  4. Thanks for dropping that info in here Lt. Col., very much appreciated. I'm marking as resolved. Be sure to reference this in the future for questions about server rates and settings.
  5. That is exactly why bhop was super nerfed in CS:GO
  6. Definitely played on FA in the past. I only remember "Manny" or a name close to that. I look forward to fragging with you in the server!
  7. Congrats! That de-rank is gonna hurt!
  8. I hope no girl he wants to date ever sees that.
  9. Not gonna lie. I read your comment as birds instead of binds the first time.
  10. The command above only gets rid of the message in the middle of the screen. There is currently no fix for the error in console. :/ ???? this thread is about the console errors, I've never seen anything in the middle of the screen. They are related. If you have auto-help on, which most players do, it will display a message in the middle of the screen while you are playing saying that there was an error and you should check your console.
  11. The command above only gets rid of the message in the middle of the screen. There is currently no fix for the error in console. :/
  12. You can disable auto-help through teh multiplayer tab of the options pane. When you click on advanced, it is one of the first check-boxes on the list. Alternatively, the console command is cl_showhelp, so if you want to get rid of the message in the middle of the screen, you can just do: The error will persist in console though.
  13. Happens for me even when in a local server through "Create Server," so it is not related to sourcemod. If I'm feeling bored, I might also try without any skins installed and see if that makes it go away.
  14. This. I'll leave this ticket open until steam fixes it. If anyone finds any remedy, please post it here. Additionally, if you do any testing to find what circumstances trigger this error, post discussion about it here.
  15. Just going to throw the obvious into the pot here because it works for me when I have this same issue: Does restarting the computer make it show up again?
  16. Plugins appear to be working again.
  17. To those with server access, this appears to be fixed in latest stable metamod snapshots. make sure you have the latest metamod snapshot (stable) and restart the server twice. if that doesn't help then try and upload the latest snapshot of sm too you are the best! this fixed it, thanks! Source: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=271631
  18. It would appear that the latest update to the source engine (that involved patching out a vulnerability that allowed for an attacker to execute arbitrary code on your computer via spray files or by hosting a server) has caused some errors with plugins. Namely pistol mod and medic mod. Others are possibly affected too, but this is the most obvious. It would appear that SourceMod is broken?
  19. You planning on running away?
  20. Marking as resolved.
  21. Oh wow! That's like killing an ant with a sledgehammer! Sorry it had to come to that. Good job taking the initiative to fix it on your own! Marking as resolved.
  22. No problem! I hope you enjoy your new bad-ass computer! One last thing, I realize that my wording wasn't very good, but I just want to make sure we are on the same page about definitely getting the SSD and the HD! I'm going to go ahead and mark this as resolved. Feel free to ask any other questions if any come up!
  23. I would get this one if you want a stronger CPU and more RAM. I would get this one if you want a stronger GPU. With either of those choices, I would definitely get this hard drive for extra storage. If that hard drive is not on sale when you are ready to purchase, get this hard drive instead. I didn't see where any of these included that monitor. Is that something you already have?
  24. What website are you using for the pre-built system?
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