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Woz 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Woz 1st MRB

  1. I was referring to this:
  2. Can you make sure to run it with a sample size higher than the default of 10? something around 200 or 300 would be nice.
  3. While doing your tests, keep in mind that ICMP traffic is often low priority, and some packet loss in trace route or ping can be a sign of heavy load on a node, but might not necessarily mean your other traffic is experiencing that same loss. In any case, if you are not seeing the ping spike on the first few or the last few hops, there is likely nothing you can do about it besides tell your ISP (tell MidCo that their tier-1 carrier, ntt, is causing some slowdown.) Of course, first few would indicate your hardware needs troubleshooting, and last few (choopa) would indicate that the game server is bogged down. Just to solidify my point, here is the ping plotter graph from my place of work. Notice the one node that is making ICMP messages with TTL 0 at it's hop extremely low priority, but it doesn't affect the overall health of the connection and does not indicate that there is a problem.
  4. Hey everyone! This map has evolved a lot since the last time this was posted. It looks like it would be a lot of fun to play on. The main thing it needs at this point is a stress test to see what happens with more people in it. So far it has been mostly theory. Would anybody else be interested in a play date a week or two from now on this map?
  5. I've only ever heard the abridged version that goes something like "Why didn't they use the eagles?" and then the answer is "Gandalf told them to, but they didn't listen."
  6. The way that networking works in source games has an inherit limiter. "rate" only sets the maximum bytes/sec that your client will allow. If this is high enough, the server will never reach it, so that is one limit. "cl_updaterate" sets the maximum rate that your client will accept update packets from the server per second. This is limited by the tick rate of the server (default 66 unless modded to 100) "cl_cmdrate" sets the maximum rate that your client will agree to send command packets to the server per second. This is also limited by the tick rate of the server. fps_max does not affect network performance, just local hardware input performance. There are a few commands that the server can use to further limit these as well if the server is in need of some breathing room performance wise. "sv_minrate" "sv_maxrate" is similar to "rate", but it is the servers way of limiting it's rates per client in bytes/sec "sv_minupdaterate" "sv_maxupdaterate" is similar to "cl_updaterate", but it is the servers way of further limiting the rate that it sends snapshots. If a higher level admin would like to step in and clarify if we use any of the sv_* commands, this would ultimately answer his question.
  7. "If we would have known at the beginning, what would result at the end... we would have said, 'No, it is impossible.'." He wasn't saying that the project was a failure and they shouldn't have done it. He was saying that the project exceeded all expectations and was amazing. I do agree though that it will have some important ramifications in the future. I question how practical that much liquid nitrogen really is in a commercial transportation scenario.
  8. It's neat, but I don't think we will ever be able to delineate from a track.
  9. I'll be there.
  10. I'm sure iBuyPower is fine. But as always, if you are willing to go through the process of building, you can get more bang for your buck and be sure that you are buying the quality components that you want. That being said, at the lower price points for pre-built systems, the margin is low, and they try to make money on volume. In order to keep the price point attractive, they source the cheapest parts that they can. As you customize the system, you can pay for better parts. But, this also increases the margin. As the margin grows, it makes more sense to spend that margin on better components and build it yourself. The significance of this in your case is that at the 600 dollar price point (excluding OS) it makes more sense to buy pre-built than it does to build it yourself, since the quality of the components won't matter as much based on how soon the computer will reach obsolescence with regards to current game releases, and based on the value of the effort required to build (relatively large in this case) vs the savings and the performance increase (both of which are small at this price point) If you are willing to increase your budget by about 100-150 dollars (or about 20-70 dollars if you find a free source for your OS such as work or school), and are also willing to go through the process of building it (I could skype with you while you do it, if you wish), then let us know, and we can help you put together a good custom build.
  11. It used to be a power pc company where it earned its brand reputation as being top tier, then it was bought out by Dell and sold at a markup because of the brand name. Generally had the same hardware as XPS systems, but at a higher price. The hardware is still good, but the price is not.
  12. I kinda use both. In situations where I'm usually up close I use quickswitch to come out from a shot straight to my pistol for a follow up. In situations where I am trying to fake out a sniper I will fake a scope up by interrupting it with quick switch. In the case where I want a quick draw, shot, and retreat, I use quickswitch and sprint to regain mobility faster. In the case where I have just checked a spot and will want to check another spot that is close by, I will use right click so that I can scope in again sooner. In the case that I am stationary, I will use right click to get back into the scope faster. Basically, quickswitch for mobility shots because I can sacrifice the firing speed for survivability, and right click for situations where I don't want to leave my post or I am not compromised.
  13. 3+ people? Damn, that's harsh. Here in TN it is only 2+, but no one gets ticketed so everyone uses it anyways.
  14. It would be a crime if you didn't follow up with build pics.
  15. Hold on, I need to check this code into jithub.
  16. The inevitable downside of large area coverage is slower speeds. You are being limited by the speed of light here
  17. I'm starting to specialize in machine learning, so I've been following this topic for about a year now. It's interesting that you say that, because what you are essentially seeing is what your brain actually does to images, but without any higher level context filters. They generate these images by essentially creating a force feedback loop through certain lower layers until the low level filters are exaggerated so much that they are visible. Keep in mind that the low level filters look like simple edges, lines, and curves, and anything above that is a recombination of previous filters to achieve more complex shapes and therefore more complex filters. The human brain doesn't really have a problem with filtering out a lot of the unneeded information, because it uses context clues to optimize the understanding of an object. These context clues can come from any of the 5 senses. Now, when it comes to acid, a lot of these optimizations are thrown out the window due to increased activity in (some part of the brain I can't recall at the moment), causing our image recognition to deteriorate significantly. Here is an example of a first level filter set for AlexNet (Keep in mind that a computer LEARNED these filters, and that the filters were not created by humans!) Here is an example showing the evolution of feature detection in higher level filters. Here is a network map for a simple AlexNet (8 layers): Network map of GoogleNet (Look at all of those layers!)
  18. Soooo, Greece is greasy?
  19. Now i feel sorry for the guy Me to. I told him i was scraping the bottle of he barrel for my team He's not lying. That was his pitch. lol
  20. As some of you may know, I had to deal with my roommate and his morally abject web habits. Part of this involved handing over my router to the authorities to clear my name of this traffic by getting it on record that it wasn't me. Well, I caved and bought a new router in the interim, so I will be back in the server this week!
  21. The article is a scare tactic. Even in my network engineer class's for college the instructor laughed at the end of ipv4. What Holland has said is the most accurate. I wanted to get more info out of it to make sure if you were talking about ipv4 and ipv6 differences. You guys are exactly right. Add on to this the fact that addresses are usually leased in ranges, and these leases are almost never used at full capacity. For example, I know the university I graduated from has a 16 bit range (65,536 addresses) and doesn't even use 1% of it. So yeah, we have run out of non-leased addresses, but we are a good ways from actually using them all.
  22. Thank you for taking the initiative Mottola, and great job on finding the solution. I'll go ahead and mark this as resolved. What was the solution?
  23. Is it a crash to desktop without a notification, a ____ is not responding dialog, or do you get a specific error dialog?
  24. fps_max is set twice in this config, first to 121, then to 500. Just thought I would point that out. It only keeps the last thing it was set to.
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