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Lehman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Lehman 1st MRB

  1. Name: DEEZZZZ NUTS Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8693098 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TK's after warnings and gay pornographic sprays Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: N
  2. Ford
  3. OMG that is an awesome spray on the shed!
  4. #3. Keep up the awesome work. We got this.
  5. Remember that time you went to the baseball game and when one team lost they left the field chanting "we're number 5!, we're number 5!"? Me either. Let's get it together. Populating the pub is not only a good idea, it's also our responsibility as being members of this unit. It is the responsibility of our enlisted to get in there and populate the server. It is the responsibility of the NCO's to motivate and join our enlisted in populating the server. It is the responsibility of SNCO's or higher to motivate the NCO's to motivate the enlisted, and join all of them in populating the server. Being in the pub does not have to take precedence over our real lives, but if you're not doing anything you need to be on if you expect our server to get back to first place. The younger guys that have no kids or full time jobs will be the backbone of getting us where we need to be. You guys are of the utmost importance in motivating our pubbers to invite their friends and populate the server on off times when it always gets low. THESE TIMES ARE CRUCIAL. The guys that aren't so available still need to do everything they can. I know life is full of responsibility and burdens, but this game is one good way to relax. Use this as your down time to unwind. No weapon restrictions is great and all, but aren't you just itching to use a line like "Yeah we're ranked the number one server because of awesome people like you!" when a pubber tells us how much they like our server? Pride is something that can't be given to you by the command staff. Pride is something you earn and when you do it tastes so much sweeter. Let's start chanting "We're number 1!" again. "Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and fuck the prom queen." Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the pub, Lehman
  6. OK, it's been awhile MG42 G43 My little girl
  7. Also, http://dcclothesline.com/2013/07/15/trayvo...r-atlas-shrugs/ Take this for what it's worth. Not familiar with their credibility level, but judging by the pictures on his social media, I'd believe it.
  8. Everyone who is licensed to carry a firearm is well aware that if the need to use it comes about, there will be years of grief and court... no matter if it was justified or not. He would not have used it if he didn't fear for his life. If Martin was truly unarmed, there was no way for Zimmerman to know that for sure. Obviously if Martin was close enough to punch he was close enough to pull a knife and use it... or maybe he had a firearm of his own that he didn't get the chance to pull yet. None of us were actually there, but I highly doubt Zimmerman would give up a life in a gated community if he didn't have to.
  9. Might I add that volunteer or not, when you have a job to do, you do it. Volunteers are always taken for granted, especially in cases like this one.
  10. If a teenager was looking in my windows, I would want my neighbor to question him about it. If he assaulted my neighbor, I would want my neighbor to shoot him out of his own self protection.
  11. Yes. Not really a "fantasy", just fun to do. Giraffe keep doin your thing!
  12. I am disgusted by this video. You can clearly see the man taunting the police and then acts like he did nothing wrong. They had every right to arrest him. You can also tell that he resists arrest and does not follow their instructions when they tell him to sit on the ground. When the dog jumps out it attacks the officer three times... THREE. I don't care if it's a dog or a person if it tries to do me harm three times I'm putting a few rounds in it. Everything the police did in this video was completely justified. The most sickening part of this incident is that it is being called a racist action because the police were white and the offender was not. "Well they didn't arrest the white people taking video" is what I've been seeing in comments. The ignorance is appalling. The "white people" they are referring to are the ones that took the video (you know, the ones staying out of the way across the street while recording). I would expect to get arrested by an officer of any race, gender, shape, or size if I was screwing off around their cars when they were obviously handling an incident. I would expect my dog to be killed by that same officer if it tried to attack them. America needs to pull it's head out of it's ass and focus not on race but the ignorant actions of people who want to file a lawsuit instead of taking responsibility for what they do.
  13. USA (128) Norway (55) Sweden (58)
  14. How do you forcefully murder someone? What if they wanted to be murdered and it was completely consensual?
  15. Lehman 1st MRB


    Cullen... wow.
  16. Mint Skoal. Definitely need to quit again.
  17. I have an Ernie Ball OLP bass. I used to hang around with local bands and i'm pretty sure their preference was the les paul.
  18. that is simply not true. you have several "floating ribs" that are not connected to the sternum. it is easy for one of these to puncture a lung or cause crepitation. please refer to this diagram. good day to you sirs and thank your brother for his service clark.
  19. thanks guys, words cannot express the gratitude that the country as a whole has for you and everyone else that serves, has served, or will serve in the future.
  20. thank god somebody's filling my position happy birthday bitch.
  21. i didn't know giraffes stole things, but 14 just proved that they do.
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