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Lehman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Lehman 1st MRB

  1. i think we need a definition of badass
  2. sigh... yet again... i want my valuable time back
  3. or even better... how about clerks then clerks 2
  4. well thank god for that
  5. i could think of so many better things you could be doing than watching clips of that show
  6. hooray for boobies... and yeah christmas still sucks.
  7. nah, she's liv. it's what she does.
  8. if by "badass" you mean who wets the bed the most... then it's too close to vote on, cause they're all pretty badass in that case
  9. i think i might have banned you. if it was a ban for a bunch of team killing it was probably permanant because i do know that you were warned multiple times by different people that night. since you took the time to come on here and apologize for your actions and i don't remember you causing problems on our server before i support you being unbanned if you are still banned. make sure that you follow the rules of our server from now on and you should be ok. you should be unbanned. try playing on our server and if you can't get in just post here again and we'll get it taken care of.
  10. oh yeah... well my computer runs windows
  11. driver's ed? nerd. i learned the old school way... by hitting things... hard... like the back of a dump truck... true story
  12. happy birthday bitch. oh yeah and uh... sorry you're related to le
  13. well suck it
  14. smithers, where's my fucking cookie?
  15. me, i called it since the start of this post
  16. it's nice, is it a walrus?
  17. put here pictures or screenshots that the other people wouldn't want to get out... or shouldn't want them to anyway
  18. 8/10 because you didn't put the picture of ford in the pink hat in it anywhere, it could have been a 9
  19. yes. i like it rough too.
  20. i want to marry this chick, she'd know how to rock your world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC-pF3OHY1c
  21. or you could be on allies and actually accept a challenge and try to make it off the beach
  22. absolutely wow.
  23. Hello Loucks, Thanks for the introduction and stopping by our forums. We are currently overwhelmed with scrims against other units. We will definitely keep you in mind though and contact your unit for a scrim when we become more available. We are hoping to be available for a scrim with your unit within the next couple months. Feel free to let your guys know that they're more than welcome to come hang out with us on our pub server until then. Thanks again, GySgt. K. Lehman
  24. http://hoebagville.myminicity.com/
  25. i have visited your city. i am not impressed, where is the oversized statue of rip taylor?
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