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Lehman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Lehman 1st MRB

  1. happy birthday bitch
  2. i don't know, i'm just still playing with it like that. one of the lines moves when the time box gets bigger or smaller (like on jagd). i don't think the game likes the driver. i had the same problem on my laptop... and it was the same driver but a different version
  3. i type on the keyboard and click on things. mainly porn.
  4. happy birthday bitch. and i don't give a fuck if it is your birthday, nobody is touching your body.
  5. what the hell is that?
  6. because your tears taste like candy
  7. i can think of so many things i would rather have done than look at a hand drawn picture of phan getting nailed in the butt by ollhoff. i want my time back.
  8. hey buddy, glad you're not dead.
  9. happy birthday bitch(es)
  10. mudvayne because parker hates metal
  11. my comcast service kind of sucked, it would just go offline every now and then for no reason. it was pretty quick when it worked but it's nothing compared to fios. dsl was kind of slow compared to cable and i had at least 20 more ping when i had it in game.
  12. yeah you should probably go to the doctor anyway before you have multiple systems failure or something
  13. posted announcements in the community and the private groups in steam. sat in the pub alone for 45 mins after that. 9 people from the unit were playing coh and logged into steam. the rest in game from the unit were playing il2. who's to blame for the rank dropping? every night i get a chance i put up an announcement in steam, and it's only the few couple people that show up. where's the pride and dedication? i'll sit in the fucking pub alone for an hour every night i'm home and if nobody wants to join me, then the unit's pub server will keep going the direction it has been. down. everybody wants to bitch about it but only a handfull of people actually want to get in there and do it. change it.
  14. HAHAHHAHAHA oh my god this is the PA statewide BLS protocol for H1N1. it should answer alot. search on a search engine for your state's BLS protocol for H1N1 if you so desire. http://www.sehsc.org/flu/index7.asp
  15. http://highschool.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1001233
  16. name him cunt destroyer, or cunty for short... in honor of your old high school nickname hahaha
  17. hahaha i love these commercials
  18. PUNCH OUT!!!
  19. happy birthday bitch
  20. wow
  21. bet that dude gets laid like it's nobody's business
  22. Love it! Awesome job CWO!
  23. those were all new ass
  24. agreed, i want my two minutes back damnit
  25. my shitload of pictures me me and Lys when she was born num num num enjoy this, it doesn't happen often my helmet cuttin this cuttin that
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