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Lehman 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Lehman 1st MRB

  1. nope, it's only in game when i'm playing, not at the menu screen or anything, it's like the flag progress boxes are just continuing... which almost makes me think it's a problem with the game itself... perhaps i should just try reinstalling the game i guess. everything else graphics wise works fine
  2. i'm just going to start saying hb, because when you say i hope you have hb it sounds like a disease from the fun with the ladies. so... i hope you have hb vandagriff
  3. wtf how do i get rid of these?
  4. i'd party with him, ain't nothin like a midget to kick off a bitchin party
  5. this takes it. period. FUCK that's hot
  6. my favorite tart is the cookies and cream kind. my favorite tard is englebretson.
  7. negative, chicks only. and no fat chicks. period.
  8. anytime, anyplace, i'll whip it out. all 3 inches thank you.
  9. engle i'm not the one that paused it at the guy with the leather vest on and rubbed one out quick, and don't tell me you didn't because i have the chat logs. i'm chris hansen... now why don't you just have a seat right over there
  10. HAHAHA saweet
  11. yeah but just like in high school, you have gay porn mags on the inside of your books so when you hold them up the teacher doesn't see... take that how you want it
  12. i wouldn't doubt it. him and his brothers all have hack like skills, it has to be in the blood
  13. hell yeah, kirk would become a little slut and i know it, he'd take all the chicks home and leave you with none haha
  14. Brewer i want my 3 minutes back, Parker HA that bitch was shittin!
  15. Maybe since our guys are on the server alot we could try to work with the pubbers, and explain the tactics on the allied side and try to give them some balls instead of letting them get frustrated. This could even lead to some new recruits if we try to work with them while on the map... just an idea
  16. Ok so this topic is a bullshit topic just to see who in the unit, just one person or a group, you would like to go out drinking with and why post like so... Ford, Parker, and Englebretson Ford because with the two of us horny hymen slayin bastards together you know everybody's gettin laid that night Parker because of his hilarious drunken ramblings on Canada day, you know he's a blast to drink with Engle because he laughs like a schoolgirl alot and he'd be entertaining
  17. chances are it's a bad ground somewhere. when you take the ground away from a bulb socket it's like the bulb is blown or not there. check your grounds on the sockets and wherever the wires lead to.
  18. happy birthday. i got you nothing. deal with it.
  19. this would be much nicer with a picture of me in the background instead of her
  20. 727.4 on the second one, but then that crazy bitch from peta came running in the door screaming about how i'm getting a piece of her shriveled rectum when she dies for whacking penguins for you new bitches that don't know what i'm talking about refer to the peta post
  21. when i get it running it's going to be like brrrr brrrrrrrr brrrrrrr
  22. viewtopic.php?f=22&t=118&p=427&hilit=ride#p386
  23. i probably will because you never got the rash checked out like you said you would
  24. damn i wish she was my teacher back in school
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