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Langley Vancouver British Columbia Canada.
Nancy Pech - :)<br /><br /><br />Im 6ft 1"<br />Im 185 Lbs.<br />I curl 45, Tri sweep 75lbs Vbar 210 lbs <br />Military press 150lbs, Deltoid raise 35 lbs Shrug 370lbs.<br />Row 180 lbs Lat pulls assist 15lbs Wide bar 180lbs.<br />bench 220 Unaqored, Decline 140, Incline 140 Fly 50lbs
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I was proven wrong and admitted it in my last post. Although i still do not agree with the current monetary system and think it is deeply flawed man has yet to come up with a better one. That is what the topic was supposed to be about. I got a amazing video's that proves if china is a communist or capitalist state or not i just am not good with links like you fella's is. I will say on my personal opinion of China that IT IS COMMUNIST It controls everything but has an amazingly hybrid economy. Ask someone who is from China and see their opinion too, my friends say its very much communist but in a way is no different from our lives here. Documentary's on China
Yes, This statement is just merely how I'm thinking. I threw out an opinion with a twist and saw the error's in it and now can agree that it probably wouldn't work. But at the same time I don't agree with the system we are in, it doesn't work it has truly failed and I'm just seeking maybe an alternative option to life without twisting things around TOO much as the common person can't handle a great deal of change rapidly.
Why does any man work in modern day??? TO BUY SHIT. If your given it freely in reward to working that would give you a reason to work. What rewards? Cars, Trucks, Tv, Computer, Vacations, House, Rv's etc etc.
Your rude and "Trolling" and i don't have time for it. Big thing I'm noticing is everybody keeps talking about getting paid.... YOUR NOT GETTING PAID. Your being rewarded for the service you do to your fellow citizens. Stop saying im going to be getting paid as the next guy cause your not getting paid. You work you get the rewards with it. In the medieval ages there was a money system. The land owners made money from the surfs on it which is how they raised taxes for army's and such to battle other feudal lords. [ The mafia worked the same way in the 1900's till modern day its just no longer feudal and has changed] I agree when money then loses its value land's value would increase. But we have a population in the millions and if we're living in a society of equality would you not think it would ruffle feathers with your neighbors if you decided to take more land while they got nothing?? Their greed could possibly lead to that persons own demise. As for the comments of someone being disabled that's understandable they wouldn't maybe be able to contribute labor to the society any more but who says they then cant stay at home and program video games???? Also the government doesn't need to provide protection as the land owner themselves will have an ability to arms like modern day and the land owners would then have help from the police force. See there is so many ways a person can contribute you cant rule them all out if they get injured. The mind is a powerful thing and its possibility's are endless when used. Thieves are thieves if a man decides to steal 1 TV he will be punished just as harsh as the man who stole 15 (off with his hands! JK). You then from the prison system could make inmates work on roads and rail roads the exact same way some of our modern roads and rail roads have been built. This is not cruel this is not in humane. They decided to break the law they then have to pay the consequences, but that doesn't mean working the poor mates to death it would be just like a modern job except you lose all luxuries of enjoyment the way prison SHOULD be. To Costa: Id your working to become a doctor to make money then you have gone in with the wrong intentions we don't need greedy doctors but helpful ones who are there to help their fellow man rather then seek a quick profit. Being a doctor should first and foremost be for the patients. The ability to freely seek whichever profession without having to worry about school fare's or cost would then give you the ability to find a job that would truly make you happy and enjoy full for you to work on everyday. Money is a piece of paper that holds a value. Why does it hold a value? This is the question you should be asking. The things around your life (House, car, T.V.) are equivalent to a piece of paper. Yet this paper gives you nothing. You work so hard for a piece of paper?? or do you work so hard for the items you seek??
Communism also failed cause it still implemented the monetary system where all wages where supposed to be equal. And i don't live for MONEY i live for the people in my life. If you don't work in this world you end up on the streets... same thing would happen in the idea. If you don't want to work then you don't enjoy the rewards that comes with it.
Is the capitalist system not flawed too??? Are you saying that in the capitalist world we live in is better then that of one where everyone is treated equal. The elections are not won by votes but by the money provided to the party. USA and Canada has the best democracy money could buy yet this seems fair to you. Money is a very real way to enslave a man/women yet it is just a piece of paper or metal in your pocket.
Hello. Now imagine this, A system where we don't need money. This would eliminate the elite class, poor class, middle class and fuse them all into one. Homes are modern cookie cutters anyway so individuality is slowly slipping away. The poor keep getting poorer and the rich richer, meanwhile the hard working citizens are getting screwed. Maybe if we eliminated the BANKS AND MONEY value within our own country we would unite and be successful world powers. Most often questions asked are is: How would we get a house? How would we get cars? How would we get health care? How would we get food? How would we get education? The advancement of Technology? Our economy based upon the world? The answer i think is more simple then people think. How would we get a House? Simple. Most mortgages are often spaced out between 20-25 years at a fixed rate or an optional float rate. This then enslaves the man to work and pay his bills otherwise "Boot" out the door you no longer own the home you've been paying for the past 10 years. BUT what if you paid nothing for the house in return you work 20-25 years on a record (Doesn't matter the job)? Would that not be the same thing? would you not be contributing to society the same way as if you where making money?? How would you get a car? Almost exactly similar to the house idea, Cars are financially loaned from big banks for generally 10 years at a fixed or float interest. Work 10 years on a proven record and bang you got yourself a car.... Same contribution to society.... Health care... This one is most often the hardest question as American and Canadian health cares are different. American is the first pay first serve. Canadian is Universal through taxes. Well given that you are working for free your health care is also free. With the progression of technology it also becomes easier to cure old problems. Man helping man is a basic human act of kindness and compassion it is well within us to do so. Food... (Obesity beware!) All man would be given an equal ration a proper one at that. We have modern studies of eating habits what is considered healthy and unhealthy eating. Those of you that like to eat unhealthy time for you to make a switch to healthy living, not only would it be good for you it would be good for the society as a whole as the health problems that come from obesity would begin to be eliminated. And starvation would then be changed, and managed to healthy living.. (This one is the by far one of the hardest topics) Education. As we progress into a new age we further develop the intellectual mind. When in high school the student is able to choose their courses like modern day. Post secondary would be the same. Those that want to be a doctor then have the ability to do so without the added stress of loans and student fee's. Those that like working with their hands (Myself) would have the ability to work in trades. Those with truly sound and advanced thinking can then pursue the technology of the future. Technology This also progresses with the advancement of human knowledge and understanding. A means of transportation without using fossil fuels would make our civilization WAY cleaner and healthier for us to live in. The progression of technology is forever on going and with society as a whole being able to fully pursue its advancement without the worries of funding and materials makes the doors of the future multiply. Our economy to the world This is simple. When it comes to our economy and the Tourism industry we imply the monitary system to those who still use it. A tourist wants to come. They pay the government the money required as if in their own country (4 bucks for a bag of fruit 4 bucks before entering) meaning they would give us THEIR currency that way if we wanted something of theirs we could buy it with their money and imply it into our society. We could also sell our fossil fuels our lumber our Raw materials at the rates that their country would pay for it giving us the strongest economy in the world. Any ideas or thoughts or maybe some even better suggestions??? Now I'm unsure of wether or not this can be classified as communism or not because communism still used the monitary system. The way we would elect a government would mean the distablishment of the modern government and elite (them rockefellers must go Don't care where but not here). This could also be a good way to make NA the continent one single country and the strongest one in the world.
Gmoney i never got personal. You did.
I'd die for my country, Not for its flag.
It only gets personal when one knows their wrong.
Hiyeah. Quick referance.. Your country started the Cambodian genocide by overthrowing the established government. If you learnt your history correctly you'd know this. As for the other coments you people need to grow up. It's sad when I a 18 yo kid have more respect for a person no matter race or creed then a Vietnam vet and Iraq vet. You fought for freedom peace and liberty not for a flag but for the dream of being free. I believe in equal rights, and immigration. I also believe everyone should have universal health care and education through taxes. This must be the ideology of communism though and we all know America doesn't support that.
Don't know what trolling is but I'm guessing it means being negative. But where in a politics section specifically to talk about views. I was asked to elaborate on mine and i did. It generated a negative Response, which then drew one from me. If you don't like it I'm sorry for offending you, but mind you its MY opinion. You don't have to agree. -Lamey
I think i just fell in love!! <3! I do not hate america. I just think some views you guys have towards people are wrong. I do know the american anthem and when its played i will sing to it to show my respect to them, i just ask for the same back when it comes to mine.
You wonder why the world thinks your all racist. I just showed people your comments and the united decision is that your all racist to some point. Canadian soldiers also fight in Afghanistan they're patriotic. If my country went to war I'd join up to fight for the country i love. (Military fact Canadian snipers saved a American platoon pinned down from Afghanistan rebels over 1 mile away and holds the longest confirmed kill record) We're just as patriotic and will help others. Because I'm a born and raised Canadian citizen doesn't make me lesser to an American citizen, but you make it sound that way. My girlfriends family came from Cambodia to escape from the war (Cambodian Genocide) a war that America DID not help with. Now would you want your brothers sisters mother father to be taken to a school and killed? OR taken to a school to learn. Somethings you take for granted is the comfort of living we all enjoy, and from this comfort we don't see others desires to have the same. Did any of you ever think hey why not just ask him to take it down because its against the law?? No... Probably cause that's the "Unpatriotic" but polite thing to do.
The way that I'm seeing patriotism on this forum is scary. I think your just a small step away from being Crazy. It seems that patriots these days are anyone who's fanatical about their country is dam proud to show it! There is a pride. Then there is Ignorance a few of you are on the ignorant side some are not..