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Melnyk 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Melnyk 1st MRB

  1. Also my friend sent me this list http://pcpartpicker.com/p/gFDs4D I would change to i7 though. Any thoughts?
  2. It seems that we missed each other. What would be a good date to reschedule this talk on? Yeah I was on but seems we missed each other. Sunday at 7:00 EST before practice?
  3. Happy Birthday! May many more follow!
  4. Woz, 1:30 EST I only have a headset and mouse. I currently have a lab top so don't have any other parts for the PC.
  5. Looks great! Some time tomorrow maybe at 1:30 or so? If not I will definitely tslk to you some other time tomorrow. Thanks for your help!!
  6. How can I know if I am eligible for the discount?
  7. I have a gaming mouse lol, so no, I only have the funds collected
  8. Thanks guys! Glad to be able to be with friends like you!
  9. Name: O. Melnyk Rank: Sgt Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: In the eve of my birthday, I would like to finally buy a computer. I just have no idea how to spec it. Price range is $1000-1500, but I would of course love to keep it less than $1250 lets say. I have a friend who is good with computers and building them so I would like to build this one for optimal performance. Anyone have any decent builds or tips? If possible it would be great if I could order all the parts at once like on newegg but I am open to anything! Thanks guys. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Sgt. S. Woz Supporting Technician:
  10. Also, does anyone call them fountain drinks?
  11. Sit down Scrillex, you got nothing on this prodigy.
  12. And with MGS V hmm??
  13. Happy birthday friend! May many more follow.
  14. You are not the only one
  15. When i turn AA off, my graphical issues go away. Issue now is that due to the new OS, not only was there graphical issues but also FPS issues. In the mornings sometimes i get over 100 FPS, later in the day it goes up to 30. Is ping a factor in FPS? I am getting my wifi checked again because it has been glitching out lately and affecting my families ability to use the internet and my ping.
  16. Happy Birthday! (Sorry for late reply) May many more follow!
  17. Well can they explain this?
  18. Brutal, just brutal.
  19. But Hopefully i will be getting a new PC by the end of this year so i won't have to deal with Macs for gaming.
  20. So i have done research and have found out that the new OS X Yosemite has many graphical issues. Valve games specifically have trouble with the new OS, and my graphics card is not very efficient and compatible with the OS, so realistically the one option is to wipe my mac and never to the previous OS. Don't know how risky this is and if i will lose any information, will continue playing with the graphical issues but if no real solution comes forth i will have to wipe and revert. If anyone has any news or can research a solution/way to revert and restore all previous files/data and partitions that would be great. Thanks for the help.
  21. This is great
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