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Melnyk 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Melnyk 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Major Johnson, may many more follow! *Salute*
  2. how did you know my pastime??

  3. Ifunny??
  4. Looks like its using some sort of super conductor with the cold air coming out. I knew hover technology would be based off of super conductors, if that is the case.
  5. If group games are hosted, ill join up!
  6. Well that explains everything!
  7. It's not bad for an early access. Only worth when on sale. We should play a few matches for giggles
  8. I just recently got it!
  9. Happy Birthday Scinta! May many more follow.
  10. How do I update my video card drivers? Is it an external thing or something I download? Thanks for the help.
  11. So is there anything that can be done about this issue? I turned up my gamma all the way so its brighter, but some maps and areas flash white repeatedly and that is very annoying/uncomfortable. keep in mind i am currently running a mac computer, so i don't know if that can be helped with. Thanks.
  12. Happy Birthday Sir! May many more follow! *Salute*
  13. Here are some examples of some normal images and ones where i crouch looking down. The last winter map, forgot the name, has moments where the screen flashes.
  14. Name: O. Melnyk Rank: Cpl Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Not Very Sure Brief Description of Issue: As of downloading the new software for mac, OS X Yosemite, i have been receiving lighting issues with DOD:S. I don't know about other games, but when i play, the initial menu screen is significantly darker, abnormally dark, and putting brightness up all the way doesnt help, and when playing, there are many lighting glitches and shaders going wack. Specifically when i look down, and or playing on dark maps/ dark cornered areas. There are a lot of lighting relating glitches. Thank you for your time. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: MSgt. J. Bradley Supporting Technician: SSgt. J. Hill
  15. Have a great birthday my friend! May many more follow.
  16. Congratulations!
  17. Joker is probably torturing Harley at the end before she goes insane and joins him.
  18. Don't really buy Lex Luthor yet. Ben looks great, but as of now, plot makes it feel like that batman is a fool and is tricked by Lex to fight superman. Could be false. Also, there are rumors that they will fight Doomsday at the end. But just a rumor.
  19. Best part is that we get to see Will smith in action again and Batman might be in it for a little
  20. Best show AF
  21. Agreed but we need a reason, hint hint bush did 911, lol jk but yeah, IMO if we go hard on ISIS, we can take them out quick because they are active and generally exposed not like the previous terrorist threats we had to go after. Plus, true Americans will always be glad to go and hunt down some evil radicals.
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