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Melnyk 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Melnyk 1st MRB

  1. America is proud to have the greatest neighbors in the world! Lol but seriously have a happy Canada day guys.
  2. Does it work? Like if you ignore the Russian is everything else the same but just different skins?
  3. Being an asshole is human nature. They are going to be in every form of media and anything to ever exist :/
  4. Here's s good example from 2012 Forward to 17:59
  5. God fucking damnit
  6. Promising but EA can still fuck it up. lets hope it releases in good shape.
  7. Such a badass, he will be remembered indeed.
  8. Happy birthday 2ndLt! May many more follow. *Salute*
  9. Sexy! Make sure it's protected so it doesn't get raided.
  10. Memento http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0209144/ Edge of Tommorow http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1631867/ The Usual suspects http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0114814/ Django Unchained http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1853728/ Gladiator http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0172495/ Mr. Nobody http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0485947/ World war Z http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0816711/ The Mask http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0110475/ The Matrix http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0133093/ And screw that I'm Mentioning T:2 Judgemnt day aswell. But I think that sums it up. Sorry if I mentioned popular but movies but this is pretty mcuch my list that I ccan think of now.
  11. Are steam Machines any good? I was wondering if they are a good deal or are any good because I am still in the process of planning on getting a PC for steam games.
  12. Boston, I believe. Seems legit. I think I remember rumors of Boston begore they had any official announcements.
  13. Lol and has anyone determined the location yet, ruralish America is what I can tell.
  14. I would pre-order on the spot for co-op fallout +1 I'll have to build my PC then :/
  15. I just ducking jiZed myself
  16. I'll vouch for this, sometimes at airports I can feel like I can get the weirdest shit through, but idk about the guns and explosives part. Hope we get this shit together before someone uses it to their advantage.
  17. Im pretty sure they are releasing it into public beta in a week or sooner. Might want to check that out. When it goes public, you don't need a code.
  18. Whenever I come online to check who's on there's a max of 2 people
  19. Btw you are whitelisted now.
  20. Should not take long. You will probably be in by tomorrow. Side note, Barracks is looking good. I put a chest with some basic equipment to start on an armory. If you think its too early to start putting in equipment save it for later.
  21. Happy Birthday Major! May many more follow sir!
  22. Happy Birthday friend! May many more follow.
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