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Melnyk 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Melnyk 1st MRB

  1. Boom to a great happy birthday Kanon!
  2. The third plot should be used to create a large bridge and a guard tower, possibly connecting to a part of the wall and barracks.
  3. Btw I just noticed a block outside the farm while walking around. Could be what an outsider used to hop inside of the farm across the fence. Also another city I think bangcock doesn't have its chests protected so do we have permission to loot?
  4. Since it is a midevil theme wouldn't the barracks and armory be in the castle? Nah there would be a barracks for soldiers to live and train that is outside the castle. Usually in the courtyard or nearby. A barracks was definitely something we were going to add in the future, I have had an idea of how to build it and I've been meaning to do so since we built the castle. I might even start working on it tonight and if not, for sure this week. I've been hesitant to build anymore communal buildings because I wanted to see how our residents treat Camelot (i.e. are people replacing what they take, are they farming, etc..). There seems to be someone vandalizing Camelot and I'm not sure who it is yet, I hope it's not an MRB member. Someone is going around breaking blocks and killing animals (only cows, probably for the leather) and they are not fixing it... Agreed. Once everything is secure and we can trust our members we will follow your lead sir.
  5. Since it is a midevil theme wouldn't the barracks and armory be in the castle? We can make something work.
  6. An idea for future projects: Barracks with weapons and materials that are only used during wartime/ being invaded, goes with conjunction with wall.
  7. A burger ain't a burger if it's not wet and soggy with oil and sauce
  8. R&U
  9. Happy Birthday Wilson! May many more jolly ones follow.
  10. I'm up for it. Just make a chest or something where we can store excess materials. If you go down into the mines of my house, you will see a mine/catacombs I've been working on, so I have tons of materials to donate.
  11. We have not forgotten about him so he better not forget about us!
  12. This is so fucking legit!!
  13. Why name then, don't beckon them here D:
  14. Im on the weird part of the forums again.
  15. What a god.
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. God fucking Damnit lol
  18. It's like that spoon bender from the matrix.
  19. I've been getting some weird lag/frame drops but it could just be my computer. So idk wirths. Uninstall and reinstall??
  20. Holy crap this is great! Regarding a wall, it might have to go over water with a wooden fence to the bottom so no one can swim through
  21. Congratulations to everyone who participated!
  22. Maybe have a small are where people can move through
  23. This would be great and I'm willing to help with it. We can then expand the farms even more to reflect on medieval agriculture.
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