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Melnyk 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Melnyk 1st MRB

  1. Japan (40) USA (79) Canada (48) Sweden (19) Germany (55)
  2. Japan (39) USA (77) Canada (47) Sweden (21) Germany (57)
  3. Took some quick pics.
  4. The town has grown rapidly since this post. An update with photos will be cool to show how the town has grown since the original post!
  5. Happy Birthday! May many more follow!
  6. Still non of this shit is comparable to the stuff that happened in Ukraines capitol with the peoples battle vs the corrupted government and the Berkut police. Now that was a war zone, this was a while back but some of the photos look real scary, like some of the ones posted previously. I just recently saw a photo of the Berkut police actually crucifying a civilian. Thank god we have a a proper police force that kept the Baltimore incident from getting to far out of hand, or it would be another ferguson.
  7. Japan (40) USA (76) Canada (46) Sweden (23) Germany (56)
  8. I guess I'll have the honors Japan (40) USA (68) Canada (42) North Korea (12) Sweden (25) Germany (54)
  9. Just in chat ask for someone to take you there.
  10. Am I the only one who was afraid to touch the link? Well anyway, looks cool. Ypu guys should try it out
  11. If we get someone who's a god at this, it would be a very cool experience!
  12. This was great, I've watched interstellar three times so this was a nice new take
  13. And I've never done tabletop rpg's like D&D
  14. Fuck apple, keep ripping all of us off. Thanks Steve >: ((((
  15. I watched an animated comic where superman working for the government dukes it out with old batman after a nuclear attack caused revolts and chaos in America. Gotham was the only city that didn't suffer and prospered instead due to batman rallying and taking control of all the crooks and revolters. The armor batman wears looks very similar to the one in this movie so maybe the way he beats superman will be relatively close to this version, forgot the name of the movie and comic though :/
  16. If they follow the comic fight b/w superman and old batman the movie is going to be great.
  17. Japan (32) USA (43) Canada (30) England (16) North Korea (42) Sweden (24) Finland (15) Germany (42) New tactics, let's go USA!
  18. Japan (31) USA (42) Canada (30) England (17) North Korea (43) Sweden (24) Finland (16) Germany (41)
  19. Anybody have it on ps4??
  20. Westward expansion, Oregon trail haha. Like you probably know, if there's a whitelist or when the server goes public, we will be there to help out.
  21. Same, I would have setup a medieval mining outpost and dig till I died. Create a huge quarry then mine in certain locations in it to create a cool aesthetic and medieval theme.
  22. This is all really cool! Glad you had a good time and was able to share some photos with all of us.
  23. Japan (29) USA (41) Canada (30) England (18) Norway (1) North Korea (40) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (40)
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