Koontz 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Koontz 1st MRB
Army to cut 40,000 troops from its ranks
Koontz 1st MRB replied to J. Ascencio 1st MRB's topic in The Slope Chute
I think though that going in like the Coalition forces did last time won't work when we did we left a power gap that allowed Daesh (ISIS) to get where they are now; let the local militaries deal with it giving only the help they ask for (right now air support, small arms and ammunition). and if they cut 40,000 soldiers if you include reserves you still have well over 2,172,000 soldiers (going with the numbers offered by wikipedia). -
3D Printed Guns? Fueling the "Gun" crisis in America
Koontz 1st MRB replied to J. Ascencio 1st MRB's topic in Politics?
Here's my thing with that you can build a gun from scratch for about $100 with an angle grinder, a drill, and a welding machine (usually MIG) assuming you have the metal super easily; there are websites out there that for free will give you PDFs and instructions on how to do so; so until we can curb making homemade guns I think 3d printed guns are a moot point. -
3D Printed Guns? Fueling the "Gun" crisis in America
Koontz 1st MRB replied to J. Ascencio 1st MRB's topic in Politics?
One thing for me is saying a well armed population stops an out of control government always sounds hollow to me, sure you can get machine guns, assault rifles, even explosive weapons in some cases but if a Government wanted they just take their tanks, supersonic aircraft, artillery,and navy and they can out-range and outgun most anything you could buy. Now this said I like guns alot (I am working on getting some of my own), and I think there are legitimate reasons to have them and even carry them but for me defense against a government just cannot be one of them. Frankly I think that for guns just go with simple license system you can say who does or doesn't get a gun, the police can know where they are so it's more safe for them when dealing with calls, and it makes the overall process faster; instead of a background check every time you want a gun just give them your gun license info/ show it to the retailer and your done. -
Today May 14, when I was playing (between 10:30AM-11:00AM) players on the pub, myself included, were experiencing multiple server wide lagspikes, usually between 2-4 a minute. Due to the spikes playing the game was a struggle if not impossible so several players, again myself included, had to leave. If the MRB can fix this great if not just reporting for posterity.
Once again I'd like to apologize, life is just being a bitch to me right now, and no nothing to worry about just screws with my scheduling.
There will be one game page for both groups (don't worry we can change that if we need later). Now most future news for this will be on the roll20 page, so to stop clogging up the MRB forums I hereby declare this moved.
second try https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/23457/1stmrb-rpg
https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/760933/1stmrb-rpg When you have your roll20 Account head to the link and post an application
group 1 (Beuting, ,Duckers,Wirths ,Visca,Woz) will be meeting friday evening 4pm-7pm est Group 2 Melnyk , Gougeon, LaGesse, McDowell) will be meeting 7pm-10pm EST Thursday evenings. Does this work?
we shall be character creating with my assistence Now everyone please make a Account of roll20
Ok rework of the Schedule #3 group 1 (Beuting, ,Duckers, Visca,Woz) will be meeting friday evening 4pm-7pm est Group 2 Melnyk , Gougeon, Wirths , LaGesse, McDowell) will be meeting 7pm-10pm EST Thursday evenings.
Ok rework of the Schedule #2 group 1 (Beuting, McDowell,Duckers, Visca,woz) will be meeting friday evening 4pm-7pm est Group 2 Melnyk , Gougeon, Wirths , LaGesse) will be meeting 7pm-10pm EST Thursday evenings.
Ok rework of the Schedule group 1 (Beuting, McDowell,Melnyk, Visca,woz) will be meeting friday evening 4pm-7pm est Group 2 Duckers, Gougeon, Wirths , LaGesse) will be meeting 7pm-10pm EST Thursday evenings. Second time period will be 1840s-1860s time period instead of 1880s-1920s this is a group/ time rework mostly.
Please stop saying Canadian perspective, please. But it's my thing! (and yeah sure, I shall) p.s. The north shall rise again!
Two groups I'm thinking group 1 (Beuting, Melnyk McDowell, Wirths) will run from 4Pm EST to 7PM EST Fridays Group 2 (Duckers, Gougeon, Visca, LaGesse) will run Saturday from 9:30PM-12AM Saturday Woz will be fit in depending on when he is available. The setting will be 1850s-1920s type era, with all classes/races available so if you have a character idea send me a PM and we'll make it up!
Looking at this from my northern (Canadian) perspective it is kinda scary, the gun laws in the US are a big problem for the Canadian and Mexican governments for several reasons. 1st when tourists attempt to cross the border with firearms (especially handguns) it poses a law problem, in Canada you are not allowed to carry a handgun with you at all unless being transported to or from a range, or hunting (while there is a permit you can technically get the offices that issue the permit have all said they will not issue them); 2nd the majority of illegal and smuggled gun come in from the US because how easy it is for people to get a gun there and cross one of the many lakes, forests, and open terrain along the border. Next is the opinion part I don't like the US gun laws, no I am a gun enthusiast I am working on getting my license and I wouldn't like it if my firearm became illegal but from everything I see the laws the US have don't work because they're toothless i.e. Background check required? well you can legally make your own guns and purchase ammo without one, want a gun you cannot get in one state? the next state has them. Next the laws aren't stable, while I have some complaints with the native gun laws we have I prefer them because I know what they are and I know what they'll most likely be in 20 years, whereas the US is constantly changing them (or attempting to do so) and the outcry is insane. As for the second amendment itself the right for a citizen to have guns to protect themselves against an oppressive government is frankly bullshit if it was about this people would be arguing for the rights to have Rocket launchers, ICBMs, Tanks, fighter aircraft. If you like guns i'm fine with that (I do to) but argue for the right to have them for something other than self defense; what research I've done shows arming people in a dangerous situation just makes it more dangerous. ex. you have a bank robbed and John Doe a good citizen who owns his own guns and always has a concealed carry on him decides to be the hero, problem is John Doe has no training on how to act and pulls his gun and tries to shoot the robbers dead. Well now the police have to deal with protecting any person still in the bank, disarm the Robbers and a new Mystery gunman, second John Doe misses and panics now we have someone pumped on all the chemicals your body produced when in danger without the training (like military or law enforcement) to overcome this and act in a calm rational manner.
Remember vote KOONTZ, I mean i'm still here with these... 'people'.
Ok everyone we'll be splitting up, in to two groups divided around when everyone is availible the system will most likely be 5e DnD; set in a mid-late 18th century style to turn of the 20th century era; all Races and classes will be allowed any questions, Ideas, suggestions for the Campaign will be accepted/appreciated!
Ok I'm cutting off more applicants at this point (for this game, for now) as we have 7 (8?) applicants, if I miss anyone who's posted I want to join message me on Steam. Duckers Beuting Wirths Lagesse McDowell Melnyk Gougeon Visca These are the names I got down, as for the game the ones I heard were Song of Ice and Fire, DND, or a 1stMRB RPG (probably somthing ww2 based). if this sounds good or you have another idea (or I missed an idea, post/ message me)
Very Nice list there Gougeon, Any game that you would like to play in particular?
I might be, but then I'm lost even to me.
Hello MRB, Bar, and anyone else who got trapped on the internet as the title says I am interested in running a 1st MRB Tabletop RPG, for those who don't know Tabletop RPGs are games like, but not restricted to, Dungeons and Dragons; for those who don't know DnD the best way to explain is a cross between a Drama Improv game and a board Game. For those interested all information is still in the flux if you're interested let me know (here or on Steam), with a summary of what (if any experience you have with tabletop RPGs) and what sort of game you're hoping for Sci-fi, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Alternate History, ect. Thanks for reading this! You still reading this? Go do something!
as a Canadian (wow alot of my post start with that, you think people'd know by now ) we're sending people back into Iraq, Syria and things are pretty crazy. Daesh (the name muslims use for ISIS, it takes any mention of Islam out of the name) is pretty strongly entrenched but there is a significant amount of push against them with Coalition (minus the US for the most part), Peshmerga, Shia Militias, and Syrian Gov't all fighting I don't think that Daesh will survive for many more years.