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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Tripp

  2. Happy Berg day my friend, may your MG never run out of ammo!!!
  3. Happy you came out of your moms vagina day!
  4. Happy Birthday Marine!!
  5. Happy Birthday!!
  6. I'm a Detroit Lions fan so im always disappointed anyway someday... I hope
  7. Figured I post a pic of my pack. This is Theo. He is my 2yr old baby boy. Constantly keeping me on my toes This is Mia. She is 10mo. We got her about 2 Months ago and she is the sweetest little "Meatball" ever. MY WOLF PACK!!
  8. Cant find the pet thread Heres my posse: Left- Mia Right- Theo
  9. Gotta say Dez Bryants catch was 100% legit. NFL officials were stroking A-aron Gers cok this week, better luck next year. Go Pack Go!
  11. Jealous! I know being good with the Riflemen class just comes with experience but anyone have any useful tips? Where to aim to counter the recoil, mouse sensitivity, when to aim down sights. Like I said I'm sure most of it just comes with experience but any tips are much appreciated. Thanks!
  12. I live in Grand Haven. West Mitten
  13. looks like i should always have someone to DoD with
  14. Sounds good Still, anyone playing EST?
  15. Hey guy! Just wanted to see who I could add to my friends list who are near the same Time Zone. I live in Michigan so i'm eastern time zone. I usually play daily from 4pm-9pm weekends vary. Thanks Rec. M. Tripp 1st MRB
  16. Happy Birthday Marines!
  17. Happy Birthday Chief!
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