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Musleh 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Musleh 1st MRB last won the day on May 30 2020

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About Musleh 1st MRB

  • Birthday 11/04/1984

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    Chicago, IL

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  1. Happy Birthday Major!! and happy hangover tomorrow!
  2. Hey Persson, Good to see you again! I am part of the recruitment office and I can help you with your re-enlistment. Click on the link below and it should take you to the enlistment post with the "re-enlistment" directions. (This post is located in the forums homepage. Just click on "Enlist" at the top of the page. Then click "How to enlist" ) How To Enlist Add me on steam or private message me if you have any questions. After you post the re-enlistment, I'll process it from there. Thanks WO. S. Musleh 1st MRB
  3. Best ... Interview... Ever!!! This Muzz guy is awesome..
  4. Have a SWEET birthday!! Get it ? .... because of candy? .... I'll show myself out..
  5. Start a new topic. Call it (Lets make a story part 2)
  6. Honestly i think we should start over. This was hilarious but its getting way too big
  7. Viktor ... you are literally what i thought you would look like. Now go grab a rocket.
  8. amazing job as always... i especially loved the part talking about me ... im popular!
  9. That realism though.... That realism.... I still have goosebumps from that day Great job guys!!! Great content!!
  10. Happy Birthday Captain!!!!
  11. I really REALLY liked battlefield 1. it made me love battlefield games again after the terrible Hardline game... it was only a matter of time before COD copies the success and the only logical choice would be WWII. I really hope its a fresh change for COD but I highly doubt they will deliver what the gamers actually want. COD was dead to me for YEARS. Last one I bought was Ghosts and we all know how that ended. This one i might actually consider. I will wait for the release and look at reviews first. I know I'm going to get disappointed.... but i love WWII based games (Who would have thought! ) I have a feeling this is just going to be regular, old, boring, repetitive COD with a WWII skin. Actually I wouldnt be surprised at all. But still... cool trailer!
  12. I havent been a fan of CoD since Black Ops 1 .... But ... Yes?? What do you guys think?
  13. Read and NOT understood... literally not understood at all.. so creepy! LMAO
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