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Everything posted by Helm

  1. haha his life sucks
  2. Name: klub8 Steam I.D:[U:1:192587336] Duration of Ban: A hundred Million Billion Hours Reasons for the Ban: 6 TKs before departure. Demo Provided?: No, screenshot. Comments: Late night TKers kill the server.
  3. Just saying that because, if you're gonna be in the military: P/t training < F/t training if something happens. But I appreciate the opinion, ;-P And this is mine :O!!!
  4. Tips: Don't lol You'll be a meat shield if shit goes down. One of my good buds was a 'meteorologist', the only thing he did was survey buildings and conditions at ground level before things went boom; attached with marines. =P Think about the possible applications and not the descriptions of any job.)
  5. Things you've Never heard, but Really Need to: This is pretty impressive ^))
  6. Name: KiLLeRSpAIn Steam I.D.: U:1:91574265 Reason for Ban Request: Random TKing (9x). Recommended Duration for the Ban: A hundred Million Billlionnnnn Hours! (I.e. 1 week?) Demo Provided: Nope, but here's a screenshot
  7. Hill!! haha...Fuck I didn't even think about that!!(Meal , getting drunk before, and I think a bug at that speed wouldn't qualify as 'Fast Food' Really =/) Thanks man Almeida-Yah I think there are basically zero options to doing it by myself until I do it a couple times prior. I really feel uncomfortable being that physically close to somebody Gawd I hope It could at least be a woman I really don't want somebody's adrenaline boner poking my pants -____- Ripley- Thanks for the description hahaha that was awesome, I'm sure I'll be nervous as hell but I'll just remind myself tons of people have done it sooooooo goooo
  8. Haha Hill, I'm not gonna be jumping outta a birds ass :D. Almeida haha cool. I guess I'll find out what requirements I'd have to meet to be able to go alone))) I'm already anticipating it, I just need to find out where to go for it I guess. Seriously looking forward to the adrenaline rush! (I wouldn't consider it if it weren't wayyyy safer than driving a car though....well maybe not who knows)
  9. I miss the ocean and I'm bored of looking at the bottom of mountains, so this is quite Obviously the logical path. Anyways, I'm a bit curious for any experiences or stories anyone would be willing to share. What was the elevation? How much of a thrill was it, should I include party favors? Did you shit your pants? How warm was it that far up? Did somebody have to push you, did you do it twice - were you pushed twice..???
  10. I know Right?! Can't believe the female cop didn't recognize the magic.... :S but yeah I couldn't stop laughing when the other dude was like 'No No, I have one at home'
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