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Everything posted by Helm

  1. Nice! I've been out of tech stuff for a while, but the only question is: How much power does that video card draw, and what is the usage like (PC on all the time? Mostly used for games?)? Some video cards can draw a lot, and you'll get some annoying problems if the power supply isn't sufficient. Try this http://powersupplycalculator.net/
  2. Thanks bud! The first one was from a couple yrs ago (top of an apartment building in Toronto), the quoted one was from the past holidays (Denver > Phoenix, Always try for dusk or dawn tickets-window toward the sun :D)
  3. Almeida's coy Almeida's smart, but tell me tell me Like what's the worth of perfect words weaved together If with lips to surface and speak in any old weather ? But he has a dark dark counting heart As Andy Dufresne itching for the lights strike Like pacing for a favourite songs twisted part Or pulling and ripping the waiting stiches Screaming karaoke like a songless bard Commanding 'All you null fucks JUST SING ALONG'
  4. hahahaha Don't wipe or weep Or allow the floor to meet those feet And don't bother with paper on this seat THEM CRABS HOP TEN FEEEEEET
  5. I stare at the sky scratch my balls and wonder MyMy Could it have been worse 'Like', 'Umm', 'Totally'; I coulda met her firsssst
  6. Server crash time: 10:15? pm MST, 10:25? pm MST, and 10:45 pm MST. What map was it on?: Flash, Anzio, and the last happened on Colmar. Was it during a map change?: No. Was there any lag?: Not before the first crash. Some extra before the subsequent ones. Were there any ping spikes?: Didn't notice any. Did you do a trace route?: Nope, didn't know what that was before.
  7. Ah gotcha, TY
  8. Flatirons
  9. It started crashing at about 10 MST, and has crashed 3 or 4 times within an hour.
  10. It fell on the neighbors porch...You know; the same neighbors that yell and scream about sneaking the last of each others dope (at like 2am). Lull; karma.
  12. Just wondering, if so send me a msg so we can play a game
  13. Hahaha I love this
  14. Wowww... Any idea where this was? Europe?))
  15. Yupyup! Best I found was a weird way to loop it to auto update a log file, whenever I manually connect it to PC. I'll be setting it up in a week or so if you wanna try it too. Mainly do this to keep a running log to actually visualize which permissions certain apps are using without user requests; i.e. accessing media files, camera, phone contacts, messages, etc when device is idle.)
  16. Name: ((((MUSSA)))) Steam I.D: Unique ID: STEAM_0:0:15710494 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional tk, after warning. Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks? Intentional tking is pretty ridiculous -esp. late night knowing there is no admin. Demo Provided?: No, he kept disconnecting and then connecting. Am sure the gameme stats for the server will show it.
  17. Name: D. Helm Rank: Cpl. Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: I have the terminal emulator on my device (unlocked gsm), and it for some reason won't write or show the sys log files... It should be able to keep an updated .txt document in the sdcard (given the permissions) - but it says 'do not have permission'. Some of the other commands that should be working; don't seem to really do anything on the terminal emulator (Android) I have.. And curious if it is just from Android 6.0 Marshmallow or What. As I said its an unlocked Gsm device, so there shouldn't be too much more that rooting it would do right? I really don't want to root it, if I don't have to. So, I have the SDK on the desktop; and am wondering if anyone knows how I could set it up to automatically update a .txt document on my PC anytime I connected them (or possibly when they are on the same network) ????? (Edit- I'm aiming for an ongoing log of: debug reports, sys logs, and activity accesses.) ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Pending Reply Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician: J. Candy
  18. lol dick
  19. YupYup, definitely a good question. Wouldn't be surprised at all if acid was an influential role model to these editors
  20. If it was me, I would have at least shit in the sink instead. Pretty sure that guy was mad he didn't get laid or something haha 'Swedish Sheep Farmers'? Sounds bout right LOL))
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