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Hostage BAR

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Hostage BAR last won the day on August 27 2017

Hostage BAR had the most liked content!

About Hostage BAR

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Philadephia, PA Area

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  • Weapon of Choice
    c96 Machine Pistol (Broomhandle)

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Forum Trainee (5/91)



  1. Name: Captain Snuggle Hound Steam I.D: U:1:439581026 Duration of Ban: At least a week Reasons for the Ban: Mic Spam and TK Demo Provided?:No Comments: 2nd time spamming microphone this week that I witnessed with music and noise. Also started TKing Team when asked to stop. Ret. C. Penkauskas witnessed this
  2. Name: grex21 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:20941515 Steam I.Dv3: U:1:41883030 Duration of Ban:Up to Military Police Reasons for the Ban: Nude Spray Demo Provided?:No Comments: Witnessed him use the nude spray after I made a general warning to follow the rules to all players. I then gave him a direct warning to cease immediately. He then walked up to me and spray it after saying "hey hostage" and left the server
  3. Gunny Britton came on and Kobayashi Maru intentional TKed again. I informed Britton of the situation adn that I had posted this and warned him. He banned him for a day and said he would extend it if he came in and did it again.
  4. Name:: Kobayashi Maru Steam I.D: [U:1:39599] Reasons for the Ban:Multiple team wounds and team kills that were "Accidental. Then I finally watched him intentionally TK a teammate just out of spawn Recommended duration of ban:A few days Demo Provided?:N
  5. Name: littlegeek Steam I.D: U:1:232416679 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Intentional TKs in spawn, warned and TKed me while warning. I was able to get Gunny Sandborne to hop in but he ducked out prior to his arrival Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  6. Name:ПТН ХЛО Steam I.D: [U:1:30057382] Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Intentional TKs. Warned by myself in game of rules and friendly fire. Immediately after I instructed him of the server rules he TKed me as well. I contact GySgt. Gougeon to come in and handle him. He dropped prior to Gougeon loading in. Recommended duration of ban: Unknown, the usual period as 1st MRB denotes for these offenses Demo Provided?:Negative
  7. Name: Проверьте тормоз Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:110918461 Reasons for the Ban: Tks in spawn, poor attitude towards other players, warned several times to stop calling others cheaters, and to not yell into mic Recommended duration of ban: 3 month ban Demo Provided?: N
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