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J. King

Distinguished Civilian
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About J. King

  • Birthday 12/17/1993

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Forum Apprentice (9/91)



  1. Will you be my King if I be your Queen?

  2. its all about crosshair 6!
  3. Name: I, Witchfinder Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:6639468 Reasons for the Ban: mass tk in with Mg and fleeing server Recommended duration of ban: up to the mps Demo Provided?: Y/N booher, werner, and konig were present
  4. noob, no capture points
  5. Name: [bBB] Spray n Pray Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:5336968 Reasons for the Ban: tked a few times during game and then finally tk'ed right when map started before leaving Recommended duration of ban: 1 month because he was told to stop Demo Provided?: Y/N Duckerz, Norris, and kanon were present
  6. Japan (19) USA (25) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (7) England (18) Norway (18) North Korea (30) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (31) China (10) SHIT I MESSED IT UP! Sorry!
  7. Japan (19) USA (24) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (11) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (29) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (26) China (11) FOR FEARLESS LEADER
  8. That double kill was fucking disgusting. Awesome video.
  9. Japan (20) USA (24) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (12) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (30) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (24) China (11)
  10. Japan (20) USA (23) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (12) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (30) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (24) China (11)
  11. Japan (20) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (15) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (30) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (22) China (12) 'Cause, baby, you're a firework Come on, show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah" As you shoot across the sky-y-y
  12. nevermind. I looked at closed topic seeing if people had the same problem and i solved it.
  13. Name: John King Rank: Pvt. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) not sure. Brief Description of Issue: I can't see or connect to our public server. When i try to connect to the server through the connect function, it retries till connection times out. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  14. Jumbo is an excellent tier 6. People usually equip the howitzer and the stock turret (more armor). You're not going to destroy in tier 8 battles, but you'll break something at least wow i love you!!! just played a match.. and i actually got a few kills...
  15. can someone please! please! help me get past m4a3e2(jumbo sherman) should i just drop $100 lol
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