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Blood Wolf

Distinguished Civilian
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    Richmond, VA
  • Interests
    I love gaming but aside from that, I love parkour/freerunning. I'm usually awake in the later hours of the day and am most active at night.
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  • Weapon of Choice
    Mauser Karbiner 98k

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Forum Apprentice (9/91)



  1. Name: Wraith "youl" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33411847 Reasons for the Ban: Mass TK Recommended duration of ban: I leave that to the admins to decide. Demo Provided?: No but I have a screenshot of him going at least -18 before I left to make this request
  2. Name: OwO Steam I.D: STEAM_1:0:195357519 Reasons for the Ban: Mass TK in spawn (He went to at LEAST -50) Recommended duration of ban: Leave that to Admin's decision Demo Provided?: No. I had taken a screenshot but for some reason, it was nothing but a black screen. Edit: Checked on the front page of the forums to see the server player count and saw he had gone up from my previous -20 to -50
  3. I'm trying to make some youtube videos (frag compilations, funny moments, etc.) and need to know if anyone could help me or recommend a free video editing software so I can make said videos for my channel. I would be very grateful!
  4. Britton, Brault, Sanborne, big Stephenson, Candy....okay lets do it this way: pretty much everyone tbh
  5. Thanks to everyone! I had a good birthday and I appreciate all the happy birthday wishes and being around such a great family!
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Great vid as always! Keep em coming. I love watching them.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that. If there's anything I, or anyone of us can do, you know we're here.
  9. Happy birthday, Candy! Hope it's a great one!
  10. Slightly old but I was going off nonetheless...and then the guy above me.
  11. Name: М.А.С. Ферзиково Steam I.D: [u:1:148738694] Reasons for the Ban: Repeated Teamkilling even after multiple warnings to stop Recommended duration of ban: 2 to 3 days Demo Provided?: No, but Sgt. C. Norris was present at the time
  12. Happy birthday, bro.
  13. Skins don't degrade in quality if that's what you're saying. The prices of individual skins fluctuate. You used to be able to buy an m4 howl for $30, now the same skin will cost $400 Isn't that because it's Contraband due to Valve having used someone picture from DeviantArt or something like that without permission?
  14. I tried restarting my phone, no I havent rooted it, and I have connected without a password before on it. Such a hassle...can't wait until I get a new mic. Whenever THAT will be...
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