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Blood Wolf

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Blood Wolf

  1. Name: Wraith "youl" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33411847 Reasons for the Ban: Mass TK Recommended duration of ban: I leave that to the admins to decide. Demo Provided?: No but I have a screenshot of him going at least -18 before I left to make this request
  2. Name: OwO Steam I.D: STEAM_1:0:195357519 Reasons for the Ban: Mass TK in spawn (He went to at LEAST -50) Recommended duration of ban: Leave that to Admin's decision Demo Provided?: No. I had taken a screenshot but for some reason, it was nothing but a black screen. Edit: Checked on the front page of the forums to see the server player count and saw he had gone up from my previous -20 to -50
  3. I'm trying to make some youtube videos (frag compilations, funny moments, etc.) and need to know if anyone could help me or recommend a free video editing software so I can make said videos for my channel. I would be very grateful!
  4. Britton, Brault, Sanborne, big Stephenson, Candy....okay lets do it this way: pretty much everyone tbh
  5. Thanks to everyone! I had a good birthday and I appreciate all the happy birthday wishes and being around such a great family!
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Great vid as always! Keep em coming. I love watching them.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that. If there's anything I, or anyone of us can do, you know we're here.
  9. Happy birthday, Candy! Hope it's a great one!
  10. Slightly old but I was going off nonetheless...and then the guy above me.
  11. Name: М.А.С. Ферзиково Steam I.D: [u:1:148738694] Reasons for the Ban: Repeated Teamkilling even after multiple warnings to stop Recommended duration of ban: 2 to 3 days Demo Provided?: No, but Sgt. C. Norris was present at the time
  12. Happy birthday, bro.
  13. Skins don't degrade in quality if that's what you're saying. The prices of individual skins fluctuate. You used to be able to buy an m4 howl for $30, now the same skin will cost $400 Isn't that because it's Contraband due to Valve having used someone picture from DeviantArt or something like that without permission?
  14. I tried restarting my phone, no I havent rooted it, and I have connected without a password before on it. Such a hassle...can't wait until I get a new mic. Whenever THAT will be...
  15. Name: J. Stephenson Rank: Civilian Type of issue: Not sure Brief Description of Issue: I was trying to get on the vent channel from my phone (since I do not have a mic at the moment for my pc), and when I hit connect, it looked like it was connecting, then it either went back to the main Ventriloid screen with no message or crashed with 'Unfortunately, Ventriloid has stopped working. Please try again later." (the typical android crash message). I tried twice but I don't want to try again for fear of being banned. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: J. Candy Supporting Technician:
  16. Name: Count von Hatt' Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:64178568 Reasons for the Ban: Racism, use of N word multiple times (threw it around like he didnt care) Recommended duration of ban: 3 days (or as long as staff sees fit) Demo Provided?: No
  17. Alright. Just wanna be sure ahead of time. No need in getting in trouble over it.
  18. I stream on Twitch occasionally (MFAS_BloodWolf if you wanna follow me) and I was planning on uploading some footage onto my Youtube channel (Blood Wolf if you decide to follow that too). Some of them will contain footage from my time on the pub. So I wanted to make sure that nobody had any problems with that, and if they do, just PM me on steam, here, or comment on this and I will have my editor (once I find one...I don't plan on uploading raw footage forever) black out your name. And another question I had was, is it okay if I include a recruitment message in the video descriptions for the footage from the pub? Just message me if you have any questions, everyone. -Jeremy Stephenson, AKA [D.B.K.] Black Talon
  19. A while ago, I was in the MRB (loved it and everyone in it and still do). I was just unable to balance everything going on and I had no idea when, or even if, I would have access to a pc and for how long I would be gone potentially. I have gotten asked by a few of you all if I plan on re-enlisting or not. So here's where I stand on that: As much as I would love to return to the always open arms of the 1st MRB family, I am in a time where I must make a choice. With me running a clan, the Dragon Blood Knights, it falls on me to decide when, where, and how the clan expands. I have been debating whether or not I want to expand it to DoD:S. With that, comes the sacrifice of re-enlisting with the unit. And should I decide to re-enlist, I sacrifice expanding to DoD:S (which quite a few of my clan members have). It is one of those binds, and this is a decision that could decide how things play out for not just me, bit for you all and the Dragon Blood Knights. So that's where I stand at the moment. Just thought I would let you all know since many were curious as to whether I'm re-enlisting or not. BUUUUUT.... Regardless of what happens, you WILL see me around the pub. -Jeremy Stephenson, A.K.A. [D.B.K.] Black Talon, and Bear
  20. Name: The Moeller Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:20200005 Reasons for the Ban: Mass TK on purpose Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  21. Thursday, June 11th, 2015. One of the greatest days of my life. I, along with 34 others, shared in one of the most joyous moments in a young adults life. Graduation. I am ecstatic that i made it. Words really cannot display how happy and proud I am of not only myself, but all of my fellow graduates of the Class of 2015. We went through 13 grueling years of school. Some faced bullies, many faced family, personal, and life problems. But that did not stop any of us from getting where we are right here, right now. We all had our goal and with it, the will to carry our mission out. We worked our asses off, supporting each other through the good and the bad. Again, we were determined to get to walk across that stage. And so, with the support of all my friends, family, colleagues, and otherwise...I have made it. Now, I don't mean to just say this for attention. I wanted to share this with the rest of my family since you all could not be there. I wanted to share the joy and pride with the rest of my family in the MRB and otherwise. You all have supported me just as my fellow graduates have, and for that I would like to thank all of you for standing by my side, teaching me lessons, and urging me forward, no matter how hard it was to continue on. To end this all I will say is: It was one hell of a ride, and I made it! I love all of you!
  22. I like Anti-Faith and Storm Chaser by Anavae. Not many people have heard of the band, but they are good. They remind me a little bit of Flyleaf mixed with a bit of Sleeping With Sirens.
  23. Storm Chaser - Anavae Anti-Faith - Anavae
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