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Le 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Le 1st MRB

  1. Congrats! I remember the beginning... I think? Forum Member No. 62... Woot
  2. Oh, hey! Look at that. Whole Wheat Bread... Good times!
  3. Ditto
  4. Try doing a "hard reset/power cycling" with your router. It happened to me for a while, and i just got a new router because my old one was crap.. Hard Reset ("30 reset") A hard reset sets the router back to the firmware's defaults, thus it will clear all the settings you have configured in the router. Here are some of the different ways that users are doing hard resets. Those methods will not unflash your router to the default firmware. They will reset to defaults such settings as IP address or password. After a hard reset the router will take a few minutes to boot Press and hold the button while the router is on, and keep holding it about 30 seconds. On different models you may see rapid flashing of an LED, or a red error or diagnostic LED. Wait for it to return to normal operation (typically power-LED on solid). Normal behaviour here is for it to not actually clear the nvram, although many people think of it and phrase it that way. What it is supposed to do is return all settings to factory state, or to say it another way, to firmware defaults. If you added new non-factory variables they should still be there after this type of reset. One way of tracking the status of what's happening while holding in the reset button is to leave a network cable plugged in to your computer and the router, then watch the screen on your computer. After the network has lost a connection for the second time, the router is usually reset back to firmware defaults. If above method did not work at all it probably means resetbuttond is set to disabled. Power Cycling Some users refer to "power cycling" a router. Power cycling is simply rebooting the router, but usually by unplugging the router and then plugging the it back in. Some users claim to get different results by leaving the router "unplugged for a while".
  5. Germany (30) United States (76) Norway (15) Japan (46) Sweden (55)
  6. Zahl. But i love jones too.
  7. Le 1st MRB

    Me Playnig :D

    sweet vid! ... how many times did you rape sano..
  8. maybe you should try replacing the coller and the gasket.
  9. Don't worry. You'll get it all back after 10 street corner jobs.
  10. FUCK YEAH!
  11. Blizzard Bitch! That is all..
  12. How asian am I?
  13. Grand Turismo!!!
  14. My KDR is around .5. I'm good bitches.
  15. Lookin good! Jones... Where are your pictures?
  16. hapyyy yera new!!!$@
  17. Name: T. Le Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:19481561 00:58 133 0 active Date & Time of ban: 2 hours ago? 1600h CST Admin who banned you: Auto Excuse for the Unban: Well I apparently suck major ass with the mg.. Sorry guys
  18. must happen often eh? hehe but goodwin has a good point.
  19. I <3 you goodwin! Merry christmas buddy
  20. Welcome Back!
  21. Skip! I think it is a great idea that your considering to rejoining the unit! Even though you don't want to realism, and you may be gone for long times. It dosen't matter because you know, and we know that life comes first! I know your moving up in the acting/actor world, so it wouldn't be a problem. You would contribute a lot to this unit even though you may not think so. Your that kind of guy that's not a total douche bag (like many) nor are you the guy that messes around all the time. That's what I think we like about you, your a little bit of both. You would bring RESPECT, that's something I've always seen when we were back in the 6th, and you bring humor to this somewhat dull games some time. So +1. I think you should rejoin. Sean Connary for the win!
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