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Le 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Le 1st MRB

  1. -novid skips the stupid valve video
  2. now what about special forces? is that open to officers?
  3. i'm gonna do AFROTC once i get to college. Best way to fly.
  4. eh, thats nothing. Wisconsin is worse
  5. Try upgrading the firmeware on your router.
  6. You only need 2 gb of ram to run 64 bit. your fine. but if you do want to upgrade 6 should do.
  7. Happy Birthday Man! Have a good one
  8. i'm all for it!
  9. too hot to handle
  10. ya thats for sure, go with the evga boards, i use one.
  11. no offence st. denis. I can build a computer for less of what your computer cost, and it would out preform it hands down. but that doesn't matter here. I'd say for the processor go i7-975
  12. AHAHAHA that made my day! omgg
  13. 1st question do you have a budget limit?
  14. eating mcdos before track.
  15. ATI thats for sure. lol. i'm playing dod on high settings with avg. of 30FPS and also run COH, with my Nividia GeForce 5200FX 128mb
  16. it taste like chicken, but little does he know...
  17. 1. Family Guy 2. Top Gear 3. 24
  18. Thank You gentlemen for serving our country. *Salute*
  19. oh dearr
  20. Whateva
  21. Randy Sughart, Gary Gordon, and Mike Murphy are tops in my book.
  22. Can't wait!
  23. Whoa, Thats jacked. I'll do some research and get back to you. Meanwhile, check that your output and input devices are the same, and also make sure that the steam settings are the same as the game.
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