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Le 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Le 1st MRB

  1. how about some pictures eh?
  2. OH BABY, but then he realized that his pants were stained by..
  3. Cpl. T. Le, the quiet one. But badass
  4. Weatherdon, or Simithers
  5. That's what i'm taalking about!
  6. Legend
  7. Black Hawk Down
  8. alright. my eyes are hurting....
  9. cute little guy man
  10. After a shitty flight. Yep
  11. Unfortunately, I do take offense to this. Sure its all funny in the beginning, but I'm getting sick and tired of it. I'm fucking pissed why take a unrelated stereotype and bring it up , but I'll stop there to prevent anything else.
  12. French 101 : voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir
  13. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
  14. well i have two computers, one in my room and one downstairs. When i play upstairs I play on a FX 5200, with 30 fpS not bad i say.
  15. So if you didn't know, today is Phan's b-day. So now that your 17, maybe you'll get your license this year? or is your mom not gonna let you =P Happy Birthday Cuz, or Phan.
  16. Are cats that innocent?
  17. Hanging By a Moment - Lifehouse
  18. He's more of the backstreet boys kinda person.
  19. I'll get phan singing up here pretty soon
  20. who's this le guy?
  21. Give It All - Rise Against
  22. Also have you recently updated your video driver lately? If you have, try rolling back to the previous version of the driver, it may be more stable and remove this line problem.
  23. Happy Birthday man!
  24. Hey, great video that you complied together, good for beginners to learn how to build their first computer rather than have to buy it, which is more expensive.
  25. Thanks Guys!
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