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Everything posted by Scinta

  1. Name: mist Steam I.D: [U:1:1591135911] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbotting Demo Provided?: Comments: 32-0, in 5 seconds he got 6 headshots with a thompson. blatant aimbotting
  2. yeah that maybe true but he posted nazi propoganda in the discord, that's not okay.
  3. In regards to what the poose is loose posted anti semetic remarks after being told multiple times not to post them resulting in a permanent ban on discord, it is unnacceptable to post such remarks even on the forums.
  4. What a Marine Raider's conduct around themselves and others says a lot about them, when it comes to respect it should be a resounding light like touching the earth with boundless love. However when it comes to our enemies blow those tiny little bastards to little bits.
  5. Yes I remember now.
  6. ouch Dapper Dan I mean Duck HAHA
  7. Your gonna tell me Israel and the US had no idea about the terrorist attack that was about to happen? yet I predict the US is gonna say "hey guys looks like Iran was involved with the terrorist attack but we had no idea about the terrorist attack." Honestly at this point im for whatever side is trying to stop this from spiraling from out of control but you can't just sit there and tell me the CIA had no idea this was gonna happen is absolute BS.
  8. Name: [3rd USHA] 1st Lt. Bacon Steam I.D:76561198872740506 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: the guy have 20 kills as a sniper within 1 minute, me and belcher also witnessed a demo provided by a player from the match before showing he was shooting through a hedgerow and killing recon trying to take him out on arty. Not to mention he had an extremely high combat effectiveness score of over 750. Video Provided?: Yes Comments:[/b] keep the ban permanent, it's ridiculous how many kills this guy got within the 2 matches he played.
  9. great article as always!
  10. Name:Matheusmuller Steam I.D:76561199387111428 Duration of Ban:Permanent Reasons for the Ban:vote kicked Palladino for abuse and got Palladino banned which Belcher and I had to unban him through RCON. Video Provided?: N Comments:This is the second time this has happened in less then 48 hours of the last perm ban we have had. I recommend we remove vote kick for the forseeable future.
  11. I live in new york and my name is Tony. how do you know where I live?
  12. Scinta

    Quote Thread

    Thibeault :Out of courtesy and respect I will not repeat what I just said. Me: hmmm right Thibeault: AWWWWWW ASHDKADHLKASHDASDWAW Me:dies of laughter
  13. Scinta


    US interests are completely embedded in this war so saying things like "we never saw this war coming" is a joke this started in 2014 https://news.yahoo.com/nato-considering-deployment-300-000-024600132.html
  14. Scinta


    It is possible but the US loves making war money, we are slaves to the military industrial complex it's out of our hands what the people want at this point.
  15. Scinta


    however, there are things that have been changed significantly because of not only this warrant but also the recent drone strike. now the us is going to deploy U-2s over Ukraine airspace to monitor Russian movements which is a further escalation of tensions. also Turkey is now agreeing completely to Finland and Sweden joining NATO. Some would say this is a good thing but I see it as an escalation when we should be negotiating peace.
  16. Scinta


    I don't think so we never prosecuted Stalin for all the terrible things he did mainly because Putin and Stalin had nuclear arsenals.
  17. Scinta


    if you notice something about that court case listing most of those dictators/warlords pass away from old age because the court cases take forever to go through the evidence, it's a noble cause but it just seems like it's not actually accomplishing anything.
  18. Scinta


    whos gonna enfore that warrant? think about it
  19. DOD: Russia Reportedly Supplying Enriched Plutonium to China - Department of Defense: Various open-source outlets reported how Rosatom is providing highly enriched uranium for Chinese fast breeder reactors, said a U.S official during a posture hearing today at the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces. See All Alerts Fake Nuclear Strike Alert Went Out To Russians - There is a seemingly fake nuclear alert that went out alerting Russians about a nuclear strike. The alert looks to be a cyber-attack. The graphics are sleek, meant for visual effects, and have fabricated distortion. This is not something you'd likely find in a legitimate broadcast. See All Alerts UPDATE - Russian Interfax has confirmed it was a "false air raid warning" due to "server hacking". The fake alert told Russians to take anti-radiation (potassium iodide) pills and head to the nearest bomb shelter. The Russian Emergencies Ministry said that the message was due to a false alarm as a result of a cyberattack. This is the third cyberattack on Russian stations in the past month, but it is the first that gave instructions to Russians to take anti-radiation pills. Taken from Defcon Level Warning System: https://www.defconlevel.com/european-command-news.php#breaking-news
  20. Name: \ ******killer Steam I.D: 76561199338599190 Duration of Ban: permanent Reasons for the Ban: racism and teamkilling got voted off of the server on top of the permanent ban which should stay permanent forever. Video Provided?: N Comments: 00:13:56 - Fri, Mar 10 CHAT[Allies][Team] ******killer: nigerkiller (76561199338599190)
  21. I would be down for this im also in the public affairs office just ask and I can schedule an event whenever.
  22. Name:I'm as free as a bird now Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:63822253 Duration of Ban:Permanent Reasons for the Ban:[/b intentional aimbotting/wallhacking ] Demo Provided?: Yes https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/45466-footage-of-a-banned-player-aimbotting/#comment-271069 https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/45465-ban-request-im-as-free-as-a-bird-now/#comment-271068 https://www.1stmarineraiders.com/topic/45463-ban-request-im-as-free-as-a-bird-now/#comment-271065 Comments: after multiple people messaged me and provided demos on top of myself witnessing the aimbotting there should be nothing more then a permanent ban stay permanent. 2023-01-28 02-49-26.mkv free.dem
  23. the player has been permanently banned after witnessing the intentional aimbotting. topic is now locked
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